Africa Agricultural Robots and Mechatronics Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Africa Agricultural Robots and Mechatronics market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Africa Agricultural Robots and Mechatronics trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Africa Agricultural Robots and Mechatronics Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Africa Agricultural Robots & Mechatronics Market according to our research experts:

Increased Adoption of Technology in Farming

By curtailing the effects of weather and seasonality and enabling year-round crop production in the country, indoor growing techniques overcome the challenges of fluctuating climatic conditions. Thus, minimal impact of climatic conditions on indoor farming is expected to drive the market for indoor farming equipment that is automated. Light amounts, nutrition levels, and moisture levels can  be controlled by the farmer when they are growing crops solely indoors. Small-scale control systems with robust functionality would allow businesses to better automate their systems and increased yields, while decreasing labor costs. These are a necessity in the market, and the lack of them can act as a restraint for the market.​

African Agricultural Robots and Mechatronics Market Size

Increasing Penetration of UAV Usage in Agriculture

Due to their ease-of-use and low-cost, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones can be used for producing time series animations, showing the precise development of a crop. The new generation of agriculture drones are technologically-advanced, which can support in pest control, monitoring soil and crop conditions, mapping, and estimating acreage and crop types. These drones also support in surveying of areas, where there is limited possibility of human to assess. This technology will help farmers in planning of input use, like crop protection chemicals, with the use of common detection methods and to reduce their  monitoring costs. Factors, like effective assessment of farms using drones can help in overall profitability of the farmers, which is expected to drive the unmanned aerial vehicles, during the forecast period.

African Agricultural Robots and Mechatronics Market Share