Africa Plant Protein Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Africa Plant Protein market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Africa Plant Protein trend report includes a market forecast to 028) and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Africa Plant Protein Industry

Soy Protein Dominates the Market

Soy protein holds the major share of the market. It is driven by functional efficiency, cost competitiveness, and increasing application in a wide variety of processed foods, especially in the ready-to-eat product category. Soy has a substantial amount of proteins, which are healthy for all age groups and help keep the body fit. The soy protein obtained from de-hulled and defatted soy meal is sold as soy flour, soy protein concentrate, and soy protein isolate. With the growing popularity, market players are developing unique extraction methods to optimize the production process, which is expected to make the market more lucrative.

Soy protein components are also used in animal feed at a slightly higher rate than in foods and beverages. Animals, birds, and fish commonly consume soy protein, primarily in the form of concentrates. Its utilization in the food and beverage industry is driven by its primary properties, including simple digestion, improved shelf life, and protein enrichment. Due to its versatility and ability to mimic the texture of muscle when stacked in straight fibers, soy protein results in significant application in the food and beverage industry, particularly in the meat and meat substitute segments. This factor enhances the use of soy protein for texture and protein enrichment in meat substitutes. Soy protein formulas guarantee proper growth and development for infants. The highest obtainable protein, isolated soy protein, has the same PDCAAS score of 1.0 as milk protein and egg white. These factors are supporting the growth of soy protein across Africa.

Soy Protein Market - Soya bean flour and meal import value, in USD thousands, Zimbabwe, 2018-2021

South Africa Holds a Major Share of the Market

Changing consumer lifestyles and rising healthcare expenditures are playing a vital role in the growth of the plant protein market in the country. The retail sector's flourishing growth is escalating the market's growth. The concerns over clean labels, ease of digestion, the need to avoid allergy-causing substances, and sustainability among the public are adding to the demand for plant proteins in the country. Plant ingredients in sports nutrition constitute the major share of the market, followed by animal feed. Manufacturers in South Africa are constantly embracing open innovation to gain cost leadership and fixed suppliers in the early development stage.

Global challenges like climate change and the sustainability of animal husbandry are becoming increasingly familiar to consumers. The popularity of plant-based diets is growing among the general public because of the influence of various celebrities on social media. For instance, according to statistics published by DAFF (South Africa) and DALRRD (South Africa), approximately 1.89 million metric ton of soybeans was produced as of 2021-2022. According to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), South Africa holds the largest agricultural land, approximately 96,341,000 hectares. With more agricultural activities, the region has a high chance of exporting plant protein raw materials or products to various other countries worldwide. Therefore, an increase in export values drives the plant protein market in this region.

Africa Plant Protein Market - Soya bean flour and meal export value, in USD thousands, South Africa, 2018-2022