Global Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Global Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Global Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Global Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Industry

Increasing Chronic Diseases and Growing Aging Population are Expected to Drive the Market Growth

  • The geriatric population is more inclined to chronic diseases. According to Oxford, over the next few decades, the share of the French population aged 65 and older will increase steadily, reaching about 25% in 2030 and nearly 30% in 2050. As the number of the elderly population is anticipated to increase in the near future, this population is more susceptible to chronic conditions such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and other diseases, which might positively impact the market. ​
  • China has seen a big rise in the number of people with chronic diseases. This is because there are more older people living there. According to the World Population Ageing 2019 report, in China, the population aged 65 years or older is projected to reach 246.98 million by 2030, up from 164.48 million in 2019. ​
  • Globally, there is a big rise in chronic diseases, especially high blood pressure, diabetes, and breathing problems. According to the IDF, 463 million adults were living with diabetes, and in 2019, this is expected to rise to 700 million. 1 in 5 people over 65 has diabetes. ​
  • In addition, 235 million people have asthma, which is common among children, according to the WHO. More than 3 million people die of COPD yearly, accounting for an estimated 6% of all deaths worldwide. In addition to this, an estimated 1.13 billion people worldwide have hypertension. ​
  • Chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases among the elderly are becoming increasingly prevalent. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), about 43.7 million Americans aged 60 and above have one or more cardiovascular disease types, such as stroke, heart attack, or heart failure. About two-thirds of cardiovascular disease deaths occur in people aged 75 and older. ​
 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Market : Share of old age population (65 years and older), United States, 2010-2030

United States is Expected to Hold Major Share

  • According to the Population Reference Bureau, the world's aging population will have a big effect on the demand for solutions that save energy and have low carbon emissions. This is likely to keep the market growing over the next few years.According to projections, the number of Americans 65 and older will nearly double from 52 million in 2018 to 95 million by 2060, increasing their percentage of the overall population from 16% to 23%.
  • Further, In ambient assisted living, an entertainment system is a collection of interconnected electronic gadgets that offer users entertainment, communication, and other services. Usually, the plans come with a TV, stereo, and other media players. They might also have features for home automation, game consoles, and internet access. In ambient assisted living (AAL), a transportation system is a service that makes it easier for the elderly and disabled to travel around. It can be utilized for social activities, appointments, errands, and shopping. AAL provides door-to-door transportation services, which means the driver will pick it up from home and deliver it to the destination.
  • Multiple smart appliances are undergoing various certification programs. For instance, in April 2021, the ioXt Alliance, the global standard for IoT security, announced that international household appliance manufacturer Midea had certified seven appliances through the ioXt Certification Program. Currently, most smart home devices and solutions are point devices, which implies no integration among devices as each device uses its own application to function.
  • Aside from companies in the healthcare and Medicare industries, more and more mainstream wearable solution providers are adding health monitoring and fall detection features.For example, Apple offers fall detection as part of its latest smartwatch solutions. Such developments are expected to increase over the coming years.
  • As wearables and connected technology become more common, AAL services that help people, like fall support, emergency services, sample collection, and monitoring, are slowly becoming more popular. For example, a user's life was saved by Centra Plus when the user pressed her pendant, which links to an alarm unit, when the older woman's home was engulfed in fire and she was unable to move and get out of the house.
Ambient Assisted Living Market- Growth Rate by Region (2022-2027)