Asia-Pacific Airport Ground Handling Systems Market Share

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Asia-Pacific Airport Ground Handling Systems market share, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Asia-Pacific Airport Ground Handling Systems share report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry share analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Share of Asia-Pacific Airport Ground Handling Systems Industry

There are a lot of local and international manufacturers of airport ground handling systems in the Asia-Pacific region, so the market is a little bit split up. The prominent players in the market are John Bean Technologies Corporation, ADELTE Group S.L., Cavotec SA, Mototek International GmbH, and Tronair Inc. Contracts with different airports in the Asia-Pacific region are important to the growth of businesses. For example, Australia's OEM Group bought AMS GSE, a global provider of ground support equipment, in March 2021. AMS GSE has patented designs specializing in manufacturing aircraft passenger access boarding stairs, baggage trollies, assisted passenger access lifts (DPLs), and de-icing units. The development of eco-friendly and low-emission products, as well as advanced ramp and passenger handling systems by manufacturers, may allow them to expand their presence in the market and increase their market shares in the coming years.

Asia-Pacific Airport Ground Handling Systems Market Leaders

  1. ADELTE Group S.L.

  2. John Bean Technologies Corporation

  3. Cavotec SA

  4. Mototok International GmbH

  5. Tronair Inc.

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

Asia-Pacific Airport Ground Handling Systems Market Concentration