Asia-Pacific Pharmaceutical Logistics Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Asia-Pacific Pharmaceutical Logistics market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Asia-Pacific Pharmaceutical Logistics trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Asia-Pacific Pharmaceutical Logistics Industry

Cold chain Logistics is driving the market

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on the healthcare cold chain industry's supply chain and the pandemic's restrictions on commerce, cold chain manufacturers focused more on storage to extend their products' shelf lives, which was expected to fuel the market for cold chain expansion.

Healthcare spending in the region is growing quickly due to an aging population and rising disposable incomes. It will continue to be crucial to the prospects of global pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. India, China, Singapore, South Korea, and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region are quickly becoming important hubs for the outsourcing of pathology testing, drug manufacturing, and clinical trials.

This has increased the demand for temperature-sensitive healthcare products, such as vaccinations, biopharmaceuticals, and clinical trial materials. These changes have fueled the Asia-Pacific region's demand for cold storage facilities and supported more investments in ongoing infrastructure upgrades. The healthcare cold chain logistics services are being improved by the governments of various Asian nations.

The demand for biopharmaceuticals and vaccines, which require cold chains, is rising. Stricter government restrictions are also to blame for the efficient handling of temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical items.

The demand for healthcare cold chain logistics is also fueled by the booming pharmaceutical industry, which is developing to meet the healthcare needs of the expanding population. Factors limiting market expansion include a lack of consistency in operating processes, security, temperature, pest management, and expensive operational costs.

Asia-Pacific Pharmaceutical Logistics Market : Cold chain Logistics Market Size in Asia - Pacific Region (in USD billion), 2019- 2027

China Leads the Asia-Pacific Region with Highest Market Capitalization

In terms of market value, China was in the top 50 Asia-Pacific (APAC) pharmaceutical companies during the first quarter of 2021. Compared to Q4 2020, the 50 APAC companies' combined market capitalization increased by 3.8% at the end of Q1 2021, with 28 Chinese companies making up 60% of the total. The pharmaceutical industry in Japan is growing to become the second-largest in the world. Over the years, foreign direct investments (FDI) have gradually expanded in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, helping the nation build a global presence. Four of the top 25 pharmaceutical businesses in the world are headquartered in Japan.

The market is expanding due to increased demand for efficient cold-chain logistics services to maintain the quality of goods. Additionally, the logistics and cold chain for the pharmaceutical business are becoming more strategic and dependable. The majority of high-value pharmaceutical items are distributed throughout the whole distribution network using cold chain solutions, which is what is fueling the market's expansion in the Asia-Pacific region.

Asia-Pacific Pharmaceutical Logistics Market : Distribution of global pharmaceutical market revenue, in %, by region, 2020-2021