Australia Corrugated Board Packaging Market Share

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Australia Corrugated Board Packaging market share, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Australia Corrugated Board Packaging share report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry share analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Share of Australia Corrugated Board Packaging Industry

The corrugated board packaging industry in Australia is highly fragmented, with numerous firms offering corrugated board packaging solutions. Companies are always coming up with new ways to encourage sustainable packaging and provide environmentally friendly packaging. To capitalize on the prospects, companies are launching corrugated box designs for various end-user industries.

  • November 2021 - UBEECO Packaging Solutions and Boxpack announced a deal for UBEECO Packaging Solutions to acquire the assets of The Box Pack Trust, which operates as Boxpack Packaging (Boxpack). The acquisition of Boxpack will strengthen the strategy and service models of UBEECO. It adds UBEECO's industrial packaging solutions with a full complement of high-value cardboard packaging and increases the company's customer base throughout Australia.
  • September 2021- Through a partnership with Biogone, an Australian eco-conscious firm, Shotspresso, a local coffee beverage maker and distributor in Melbourne, is using more sustainable packaging solutions in its supply chain.

Australia Corrugated Board Packaging Market Leaders

  1. Visy Industries Private Limited

  2. Opal Fiber Packaging (Paper Australia Private Limited)

  3. Oji Group

  4. Austcor Packging (Abbe)

  5. Australian Corrugated Packaging

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

Visy Industries Private Limited, Opal Fiber Packaging (Paper Australia Private Limited), Oji Group, Austcor Packging (Abbe), Australian Corrugated Packaging