Global Baking Soda Substitute Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Global Baking Soda Substitute market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Global Baking Soda Substitute trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Global Baking Soda Substitute Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Baking Soda Substitute Market according to our research experts:

The Surge in Baking Industry to Increase the Demand For Baking Soda Substitute

The surge in the baking industry is anticipated to increase the demand for baking soda substitutes. The increase in urbanization, changes in lifestyle, increase in the number of nuclear families and working women, the influence of western culture, etc. are some of the factors that have increased the demand for ready-to-eat bakery products, which in turn is eventually capturing consumer's attention towards healtheier alternatives to baking soda. The baking soda substitute is an important ingredient that is required to improve the texture, increase the volume, enhance the flavor, improve the shelf-life, etc, and therefore, is used while preparing several bakery products. Thus, wih increasing awareness about the side-effects of baking soda on health and high consumption of bakery products, the demand of baking soda substitutes such as baking powder, yeast and others, is expected to rise in the near future.

Baking Soda Substitute Market Share

Asia Pacific Emerges as The Fastest Growing Region

The bakery industry is expected to grow at a rapid rate in the Asia Pacific region. China and India are anticipated to show a high growth rate in the bakery industry. Consumers in India are becoming aware of the Western and French-style pastries and are demanding innovative bakery products. The rise in the demand for bakery products creates an opportunity for the use of baking soda substitute, and thus, contributing towards the sales for baking soda substitute in the Asia Pacific region. Expansion of food service industry, besides mushrooming bakeries across high potential markets will support the growth in the Asia Pacific market. Additionally, as a result of changing food habits, consumers in the region are demonstrating greater desire to spend on breads, cookies, and pastries.

Baking Soda Substitute Market Growth