Beer Cans Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Beer Cans market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Beer Cans trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Beer Cans Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Beer Cans Market according to our research experts:

Aluminium is Expected to Hold the Largest Market Share

  • The most recycled beverage containers worldwide are composed of aluminum. 70% of the metal in a typical aluminum can is recycled. These are stackable and lightweight, lowering the overall carbon emissions produced during transit. Additionally, they increase the effectiveness of logistical organizations' shipment and storage.
  • Growing usage of eco-friendly can metals, since most cans are made of aluminum, the most cost-effective material to recycle, is the primary factor expected to drive market revenue growth. Almost all aluminum used in cans can be melted down and reused.
  • Aluminum cans are used more frequently due to rising worldwide beverage consumption and demand for sustainable packaging options. Customers will find these cans aesthetically pleasing because they can be personalized with different colors, 3D prints, and embossing.
  • Additionally, the beer cans market is expanding favorably due to the rising craft beer consumption across several locations. Craft beer produced by both small and large brewers is becoming more and more popular with consumers. Additionally, consumers are expressing their desire for products that match their lifestyles more and more clearly.
Beer Cans Market : Export Volume of Aluminum Cans to Japan from Fiscal Year 2018 to 2021 with a Forecast for 2022, in Million Units

Asia-Pacific Account for Significant Market Growth

  • Due to the region's shifting cultural patterns, increasing urbanization, rising population, and youth beer popularity, the Asia Pacific is expected to increase during the projection period.
  • The region emerged as the primary supplier of processed aluminum and steel sheets for the rest of the world. Abundant raw materials availability, such as aluminum and steel, is distinguished by low-cost labor, high development rates, and well-established manufacturing bases contributing to the market's growth.
  • Additionally, a sizable portion of the world's population resides in Asia-Pacific, contributing to significant beverage consumption. Further, the population's disposable income increased due to the quick industrialization of developing nations like China and India. It, in turn, is predicted to increase beverage demand, which would help the market grow.
  • The region's beverage cans business is expanding due to the fast-paced lifestyle and increased demand for tinned and on-the-go foods. Using aluminum cans also grew as disposable income and the need for easily accessible and transportable food and beverages increased. It is because aluminum cans can sustain up to 90 pounds per sq inch of pressure and can easily maintain the carbonation pressure required to package soda.
Beer Cans Market : Growth Rate by Region