Claytronics Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Claytronics market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Claytronics trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Claytronics Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Claytronics Market according to our research experts:

Claytronics and AI technology is going to replicate humans

  • Claytronics' ability to replace humans to do real work in a variety of industries such as healthcare, disaster relief, education, entertainment, and defense can expand the opportunities and applications of Claytronics around the world is expected. In addition, visual realization creates new perspectives for the expansion of the claytronics market. These are some of the factors that are expected to drive market growth.
  • Claytronic emulation of the function, behavior, and appearance of individuals, creatures, and objects perfectly mimics reality and is well-known for meeting the criteria set for artificial intelligence developed by visionary mathematician and computer science pioneer Alan Turing.
  • While the Turing test continues to be a solid source of debate among those who devote their lives to artificial intelligence, philosophy, and cognitive science, Claytronics has devised a technique that goes beyond the Turing test for the emergence of behaviors in machine movements.
  • The seemingly magical quality of this media is suggested by the Greek word, patio (paree-oh), which means "to make" or "to bring forth," a transformation of data into delightful forms that will echo the mythical power of the ancient artist Pygmalion whose command brought to life the statue Galatea.
Claytronics Market: Total corporate artificial intelligence (Al) investment, in billion USD, Global, 2015-2021

North America to hold the highest market share

  • North America is one of the leading regions to have technological advancements and witnesses' the greater adoption of digital technologies. The region first introduced robotic surgery to the world. Moreover, there has been significant adoption of robotic surgery in the United States. The annual procedure volume for robotic surgery is greater than 5,00,000 in the United States. To build brand image and competitive advantage, robotic surgery has become the most rapidly adopted medical device over the past two decades. This is likely to fuel the adoption of Claytronics technology. 
  • The technology would allow surgeons to perform intricate surgery on an enlarged replica of claytronic organs, while the actual organs will be worked upon by the claytronic replica of the surgeon. This allows lesser infections and provides greater visibility for the doctors to perform precision surgery. 
  • The region also has an increasing demand for entertainment such as ice skating, football game, concerts, and others that had a negative impact during the pandemic as many of the sports events and tournaments were canceled due to constant lockdown imposed by the government. In the future, during a similar situation, with the use of claytronics technology, the live sports event can be displayed on any flat surface by replicating it into a miniature show. 
  • The entertainment sector also covers movies, and the demand for movies has always been on the rise. Many 3D and 4D theaters showcase the movie with special glass wears. However, the use of claytronics technology allows the user to recreate the entire movie in the living room, allowing him/her to enter the movie in live ( basically inserting oneself into the role of the actors) and live the movie. Thus, driving various opportunities for the market studied. 
Claytronics Market - Growth Rate by Region