Europe Food Flavor Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Europe Food Flavor market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Europe Food Flavor trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Europe Food Flavor Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Europe Food Flavor Market according to our research experts:

Growing Inclination toward Ready to Eat Meals

One of the key drivers propelling the growth of the food flavor market is the rising demand for ready-to-eat meals (including ready-to-eat foods, ready-to-drink drinks, snacks, frozen meals, and other such food products). The demand for processed and packaged foods is rising in both developed and developing regions of the world as a result of rising urbanization, an expanding middle-class population, an increase in the number of working women, and an increase in disposable incomes. As a result, there is a significantly larger need for food packaging and processing solutions. Food flavors are, therefore, widely utilized in processed and convenience food items in order to maintain the freshness, safety, taste, appearance, and texture of processed meals. The demand for high-end food products with fresh tastes has also grown as customers' awareness of their own health has expanded. In order to increase their consumer base, manufacturers are encouraged to provide a wide selection of food products with all kinds of premium alternatives. For instance, Mane, a France-based manufacturer of premium, high-performing natural flavors, offers new premium natural flavors, such as Amarena, Burnt Sugar, Crema Fiorentina, and Mascarpone.

Europe Food Flavor Market : EU Food and Drink Imports, by Sector( in Euro million) 2021-2022

Germany Accounts for the Largest Market Share

Germany is the biggest market for food and beverages in the European Union. The food processing industry represents the third-largest industry in Germany, according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The country's food and beverage industry offers excellent potential for tastemakers since flavor is a vital component of foods and beverages, which contributes to palatability, product positioning, and customer targeting. As the aging population in Germany consumes more nutritive products due to rising health concerns, there is a continuous rise in demand for specialty ingredients, along with natural food flavors in the functional and fortified beverages segment. Food flavor producers and companies regularly monitor market trends and always seek alternative techniques to capitalize on evolving consumer preferences.

Europe Food Flavor Market : Revenue of the Food Industry, in Billion Euros, By Segment, Germany, 2021