Europe Textile Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Europe Textile market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Europe Textile trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Europe Textile Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Europe Textile Market according to our research experts:

Rise in the Demand for Organic Textiles and Fabrics

Organic clothing is available in cotton, jute, silk, kapok, hemp, or wool. The demand for organic clothing is rising, as more and more consumers become concerned about the environment. The European Textile sector is especially proactive in undertaking research work for the development of new and innovative products. Given the health and environmental benefits of organic products, more eco-conscious consumers are now shifting towards clothing made from organic textiles. In response to consumer demand and pressure to green its operations, the fashion industry is now taking new strides towards using more sustainable fabrics. Fast fashion giants are also taking the leap towards organic and recycled alternatives. H&M, for instance, has already increased its use of organic and recycled cotton to 95%.

Europe Textile Market: Share of Sustainable Cotton Usage By HM, By Material Type, 2020%

Rising Disposable Income and Changing Consumers’ Shopping Behavior

The growth in disposable income and the increasing preference for online shopping are expected to drive the European textile market for the next few years. Online shopping is still growing in importance, although take-up varies significantly by region and country. About 5 % of household expenditure in Europe is spent on clothing and footwear, of which about 80 % is spent on clothes and 20 % on footwear. Furthermore, increasing disposable has led to a rise in the number of supermarkets and retail stores, thereby driving the overall market growth. The demand is very high for premium and branded products due to increasing per capita disposable income. Rising disposable income, along with investments in textile manufacturing would create lucrative growth prospects for the Textile market across the region.

Europe Textile Market: Household Net Adjusted Annual Disposable Income of Selected European Countries, In1,000 USD, 2020