Fresh Cherries Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Fresh Cherries market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Fresh Cherries trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Fresh Cherries Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Fresh Cherries Market according to our research experts:

Increasing Demand for Imported Sweet Cherries

  • The fresh cherries market is currently dominated by an upsurge in demand for regional imported varieties, primarily originating in Turkey and the United States, in the major importing and consuming countries, such as Europe and China.
  • According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the production in Turkey reached 689,834 metric tons in 2021 from 724,944 metric tons in 2020, primarily due to increased investments and a steadily rising area under cultivation as a result of the high export demand and bolstered growth. The total fresh cherries yield was 84,593 ha/hg in 2021, an increase from 79,598 ha/hg in 2019.
  • According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) report, the Chilean cherry-planted area has historically grown year over year. The report estimated that the area planted will reach a new record of 44,000 hectares in 2021-22. Despite the large area increase, FAS Santiago production increased by only three percent in 2021-22, with forecast production reaching 395,000 metric tons. Decreased yields will offset the anticipated increases in the area in the forecast year. 
  • Continued drought and the risk of frost damage have forced producers to adjust strategies to maintain fruit size and quality. Producers are now pruning trees more, as well as thinning flowers and fruit to ensure that the size and quality of the fruit harvested remain consistent. Despite the weather conditions, the result is a better size and quality fruit but reduced yields per hectare of the planted area. 
  • Moreover, the rapid adoption of new, improved cherry varieties in the United States, like "cheery grand" and "cherry treat," which are larger and sweeter than the conventional "Chelan" variety, has witnessed an increased demand from its neighboring countries as well as Asia, including China, Hong Kong, and Japan.
Fresh Cherries Market : Fresh Cherries Market : Import Value, in USD Million, 2020-2021

Asia-Pacific is The Fastest Growing Market

  • Asia-Pacific was the fastest-growing market in 2021, with Hong Kong and Australia accounting for the major portion of the overall market for fresh cherries, with a total export volume of 238,373 metric tons and 3,909 metric tons, respectively. 
  • Cherries are an important daily fresh fruit in China, with major imports from Chile, primarily due to the zero-policy free trade agreement signed between the two countries in 2021 and adequate ripening time in Chile between November and January, when China celebrates its Spring Festival. 
  • Due to the trade war's impact, import tariffs for cherries from the United States are as high as 70%. Hence, China has expanded its import base to new markets, such as Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, to support the ever-growing domestic demand. As a result, China has increased its imports from a few additional countries, including Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, to meet the country's rising domestic demand. These cherries are of high quality and are grown without using as many pesticides.
  • According to a report by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 2020, Hong Kong has witnessed a surge in demand for regional varieties that reflect a premium-quality image. For instance, Tasmanian cherries, that cost between USD 50 and 100 during the New Year, are in high demand despite the sky-rocketed prices. All these factors are further expected to drive the fresh cherries market in Asia during the forecast period.
Fresh Cherries Market : Production Quantity, in metric ton, Major Countries, Asia-Pacific, 2021