Bahrain Fruits & Vegetables Market Size (2024 - 2029)

The market size of fruits and vegetables in Bahrain is expected to grow at a steady pace, owing to the government's focus on increasing financial support for agriculture and attracting foreign investments. Despite challenges such as high temperatures, limited arable land, and water scarcity, the country has seen a rise in the production of various crops, including dates, figs, mangos, pomegranates, melons, and tomatoes. The cultivation of vegetables, especially in winter, has also contributed significantly to the market. The adoption of advanced agricultural techniques, such as hydroponics and greenhouse cultivation, has further enhanced the market size and growth.

Market Size of Bahrain Fruits & Vegetables Industry

Bahrain Fruits and Vegetables Market Summary
Study Period 2018 - 2028
Base Year For Estimation 2022
Forecast Data Period 2024 - 2028
Historical Data Period 2018 - 2021
CAGR 4.30 %

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Bahrain Fruits & Vegetables Market Analysis

The Bahrain fruits and vegetables market is projected to register a CAGR of 4.3% during the forecast period.

  • Bahrain is characterized by high temperatures, limited arable land, water scarcity, and increasing groundwater salinity resulting in limited crops grown in the country. The national government is focusing on intensifying the finance for agriculture to attract foreign investments for agriculture projects to keep up with local demand.
  • The major crops grown are dates, figs, mangos, pomegranates, melons, papayas, water turnips, potatoes, and tomatoes. Dates were the primary domestic fruit crop produced in Bahrain. The production increased from 13.8 thousand metric tons in 2020 to 14.1 thousand tons by 2021. Vegetables are the most important cash crop; 80% of vegetables are grown during winter. Tomato is the most important vegetable; other vegetables are cucumber, lettuce, okra, and onion.
  • The increased production of fruits and vegetables in Bahrain has been paired with improved agricultural techniques, especially the adoption of hydroponics and infrastructure linking farmers with urban populations. Vegetables are produced in the open field and under controlled conditions, such as polytunnels and greenhouses. Greenhouse cultivation is particularly common for crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants.

Bahrain Fruits & Vegetables Industry Segmentation

Fruits and vegetables are important supplements to the human diet as they provide the essential nutrients required for maintaining health. Bahrain is one of the largest producers of fruits and vegetables in the world, and it produces several horticultural crops, namely apple, banana, orange, pomegranate, guava, dates, tomato, potato, onion, chili, ginger, garlic, eggplant, pea, beans, and okra.

Bahrain fruits and vegetables market is segmented by crop type into fruits and vegetables. The market includes production analysis (volume), consumption analysis (value and volume), export analysis (value and volume), import analysis (value and volume), and price trend analysis.

The report offers the market size and forecasts in terms of volume in metric tons and value in USD thousand for all the above segments.

Crop type (Production Analysis, Consumption Analysis by Value and Volume, Import Analysis by Value and Volume, Export Analysis by Value and Volume, and Price Trend Analysis)

Bahrain Fruits & Vegetables Market Size Summary

The Bahrain fruits and vegetables market is expected to grow at a steady pace in the coming years. Despite facing challenges such as high temperatures, limited arable land, and increasing groundwater salinity, the country's government is actively seeking to boost the agricultural sector through foreign investments. The most commonly grown crops in Bahrain include dates, figs, mangos, pomegranates, melons, papayas, and a variety of vegetables, with a significant increase in production noted in recent years. This growth is largely attributed to the adoption of improved agricultural techniques and infrastructure developments that link farmers with urban populations. Bahrain has been a net importer of several fruits and vegetables within the Middle Eastern region, with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates being its major trading partners. The demand for fresh produce in the country is on the rise, leading to an increase in imports. However, Bahrain is a net exporter of certain vegetables, such as tomatoes. The country also has a free-trade agreement with the United States, which has boosted its trade with North and South American countries. Despite the increase in imports, there is a concerted effort to improve domestic production and satiate the rising local demand. This is evident in the case of tomatoes, where major players are investing heavily to meet domestic needs.

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Bahrain Fruits & Vegetables Market Size - Table of Contents


    1. 1.1 Market Overview

    2. 1.2 Market Drivers

    3. 1.3 Market Restraints


    1. 2.1 Crop type (Production Analysis, Consumption Analysis by Value and Volume, Import Analysis by Value and Volume, Export Analysis by Value and Volume, and Price Trend Analysis)

      1. 2.1.1 Vegetables

      2. 2.1.2 Fruits