Germany Glass Packaging Market Size

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Germany Glass Packaging market size, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Germany Glass Packaging size report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry size analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Size of Germany Glass Packaging Industry

Germany Glass Packaging Market Summary
Study Period 2017-2027
Base Year For Estimation 2021
Forecast Data Period 2024 - 2028
Historical Data Period 2018 - 2020
CAGR 8.51 %
Market Concentration Medium

Major Players

Germany Glass Packaging Market Major Players

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order


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Germany Glass Packaging Market Analysis

The German Glass Packaging Market is expected to register a CAGR of 8.51% during the forecast period. Glass packaging for food is anticipated to expand due to strong demand from industries including soups and baby food. The beer, cider, and spirits industries are also anticipated to contribute to the glass expansion substantially. Additionally, the personal hygiene industry is expected to contribute the most to the growth of this packaging material. Glass packaging for cosmetics and toiletries is expected to increase due to the skincare industry's high demand. There has been impacting of the Russia-Ukraine war on the overall packaging ecosystem.

  • Glass manufacturers have been critical players in Germany's reuse and recycling system. Gerresheimer, for instance, began producing glass with a higher proportion of recycled glass at the Tettau site in Germany. By using recycled glass, it aims to create new high-quality cosmetics packaging. Many prominent players, like Gerresheimer, drive circularity and resource savings daily.
  • The introduction of stringent laws in the country to enhance the quality and integrity of domestically manufactured drugs is driving an increase in the use of glass for pharmaceutical packaging products. Also, there is a demand for sterile medical packaging products from the pharmaceutical industries, which is anticipated to drive the market's growth during the forecast period. Also, the growing number of drugs packaged in the glass medium is driving the demand for glass-based vials and ampoules.
  • Moreover, all stores in Germany that sell beverages must take them back and return the deposit to the customer – whether or not that person bought that beverage from them. The warranty for plastic bottles is EUR 0.25 (USD 0.256), recognizing the higher environmental impact. The deposit for glass bottles is far lower – between EUR 0.08 (USD 0.082) and EUR 0.15 (USD 0.154) – because they can be reused, which will allow customers to give more of a reward for returning plastic and encourage them to buy products in glass bottles because it's cheaper upfront.
  • According to The Federal Association of the German Glass Industry, ten big glass producers in Germany generate around 20% of the whole glass industry revenue. Few big international glassmakers are dominating the market presently and are interested in producing glass bottles.
  • Further, Coca-Cola, Germany, shifted from PET bottles back to glass bottles; therefore, it needs enormous amounts of glass bottles. The company has invested EUR 50 million (USD 51.29 million) in two new glass production lines in Mannheim and Luneburg. This pressure from the soft drinks industry further affects the supply of glass bottles in the liquor segment.
  • The country's expanding disposable income and incorporation into premium packaging are the main drivers of the glass packaging industry. Additionally, the government adopted increased glass packaging due to the mandated trash sorting laws and an incredibly effective deposit refund program that has considerably improved garbage management and raised recycling rates.
  • However, shifts in the cost of raw materials and the fierce competition from other packaging materials may reduce the market's development pace. The pandemic's effects on the supply chain, the sensitivity of glass materials, and a rise in operational expenses will further hinder the market growth.
  • With the outbreak of COVID-19, the country witnessed significant demand for pharmaceutical glass packaging from the government, which has increased the need for vaccines, especially for vials, bottles, and ampoules, surging since research began to find a vaccine against COVID-19.