Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market Size & Share Analysis - Growth Trends & Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

The Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market is segmented by Type (Earth Observation Data, Value Added Services), Satellite Orbit (Low Earth Orbit, Medium Earth Orbit, Geostationary Orbit), and End-use (Urban Development and Cultural Heritage, Agriculture, Climate Services, Energy and Raw Materials, Infrastructure). The market sizes and forecasts are provided in terms of value (USD billion) for all the above segments.

Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market Size

Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market Summary
Study Period 2018-2028
Base Year For Estimation 2022
Forecast Data Period 2024 - 2028
Historical Data Period 2018 - 2021
CAGR 12.67 %
Market Concentration Medium

Major Players

Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market Major Players

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order


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Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market Analysis

The Germany satellite-based earth observation market is valued at USD 0.60 billion in the current year and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.67% during the forecast period to become USD 1.22 billion by the next five years. Future advancements in satellite technology, including improved sensors, higher-resolution imagery, enhanced data processing capabilities, and the emergence of small satellite constellations, could drive the growth of the Earth Observation market. These technological advancements may increase data accuracy, better temporal and spatial resolution, and more cost-effective solutions.

  • Germany has emerged as a key player in the global Earth Observation market, benefiting from its strong technological capabilities, research institutions, and government support. The country's focus on sustainability, environmental protection, and climate change mitigation has propelled the demand for satellite-based data and analysis. Germany has a well-established infrastructure for space research and satellite operations, with institutions like the German Aerospace Center (DLR) leading the way in developing and utilizing Earth Observation technologies.
  • One of the primary drivers of the Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation market is the government's commitment to sustainable development and environmental monitoring. Initiatives such as the German Space Strategy, National Space Program, and the Copernicus program, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), emphasize the importance of Earth Observation data for addressing environmental challenges, climate change impacts, and disaster management.
  • The market is witnessing technological advancements, including the development of high-resolution sensors, miniaturized satellites, and improved data processing capabilities. These advancements lead to more accurate and detailed Earth Observation data, enabling enhanced analysis and insights. Additionally, the integration of Earth Observation data with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data analytics opens up new opportunities for advanced applications and decision-making processes.
  • In addition, the increasing focus on environmental monitoring, climate change research, and sustainable development drives the demand for satellite-based Earth Observation data in Germany. Earth Observation satellites provide critical information for monitoring land use, deforestation, urban growth, pollution levels, and climate patterns. The need for accurate and up-to-date data to address environmental challenges fuels the growth of the market.
  • While the Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation market holds immense potential, challenges exist, including data accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and the need for data standardization and interoperability. However, public-private partnerships, international collaborations, and commercialization efforts are addressing these challenges and creating opportunities for market growth.
  • Moreover, COVID-19 has significantly impacted the German satellite-based earth observation market. The pandemic caused disruptions in global supply chains, including the manufacturing and launching of satellites and related equipment. Delays in the production, testing, and deployment of satellites may have affected satellite-based Earth Observation services and data availability.

Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market Trends

Technological Advancements to Drive the Market Growth

  • Technological advancements play a crucial role in driving the growth of the Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation market. These advancements drive innovation, improve data quality and analysis capabilities, enhance satellite performance, and expand the range of applications.
  • Technological advancements led to the development of more advanced and capable satellites for Earth Observation. These advancements include improvements in satellite sensors, data storage and transmission systems, power management, and propulsion technologies. Enhanced satellite capabilities enable higher-resolution imagery, more frequent data acquisition, and improved spatial and spectral resolution, resulting in higher-quality and more accurate Earth Observation data.
  • Moreover, technological advancements have led to the development of advanced satellite sensors, such as high-resolution optical, hyperspectral, and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors. These sensors provide more detailed and accurate Earth Observation data, enabling applications such as land cover mapping, crop monitoring, and environmental assessments with greater precision.
  • Additionally, advancements in data processing and analysis techniques, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, have revolutionized the utilization of Earth Observation data. For example, satellite imagery combined with AI algorithms can automate the detection of changes in urban areas, identify deforestation patterns, or monitor coastal erosion. These advancements enable more efficient and accurate data analysis, expanding the range of applications in various industries.
  • Moreover, according to the European Patent Organization (EPOrg), in 2021, the number of patent applications from Germany to the European Patent Office was recorded to be around 25,969, a 0.34% rise in the applied patents. Such a significant rise in Patent applications reflects the innovative efforts and technological developments in significant fields, including satellite-based Earth Observation, thereby driving the market growth.
Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market: Number of Patent Applications Filed at the European Patent Office, in Thousand, Germany, 2014-2021

Urban Development and Cultural Heritage to Hold a Significant Market Share

  • Germany is experiencing rapid urbanization, with an increasing population and expanding urban areas. For instance, according to World Bank statistics, 77.54 percent of all Germans resided in cities and urban regions in 2021. More than in other countries, roughly three-quarters of the German population currently resides in cities and urban areas. 
  • This growth necessitates effective urban planning, infrastructure development, and sustainable management of urban spaces. Satellite-based Earth Observation provides valuable data for monitoring urban expansion, land use, transportation networks, and infrastructure planning. It helps urban planners, architects, and policymakers make informed decisions and optimize urban development processes.
  • Additionally, Satellite-based Earth Observation data support urban planning and management by providing insights into various aspects of urban environments. It helps assess urban sprawl, monitor urbanization trends, and analyze the impact of development projects on the surrounding areas. Earth Observation data assists in identifying suitable locations for infrastructure development, optimizing transportation networks, and managing urban ecosystems. These applications contribute to the efficient and sustainable growth of cities.
  • Further, Germany is rich in cultural heritage, including historical sites, monuments, and landscapes. Satellite-based Earth Observation plays a vital role in cultural heritage conservation by providing non-invasive and wide-scale monitoring of these assets. It enables the identification of changes, degradation, and threats to cultural heritage sites. Earth Observation data assists in mapping archaeological sites, monitoring the condition of monuments, and supporting heritage preservation efforts.
  • Overall, the combination of rapid urbanization, the importance of cultural heritage, and the tourism industry's significance makes urban development and cultural heritage key sectors within the Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation market. The use of satellite data in these domains contributes to sustainable urban development, heritage conservation, and the overall well-being of cities and their inhabitants.
Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market: Urbanization, in %, Germany, 2011-2021

Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Industry Overview

The Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation market is expected to be moderately fragmented in nature. The market serves various industries and sectors, each with unique requirements and applications. Market fragmentation arises from addressing diverse needs across sectors such as agriculture, environmental monitoring, urban planning, disaster management, and more. Different players may specialize in specific application areas, leading to a fragmented market landscape. Some prominent players operating in the market include Airbus SE, OHB SE, GeoVille Information Systems GmbH, Planet Labs PBC, and German Aerospace Center e. V. (DLR).

In July 2022, a new agreement between Planet Labs Germany GmbH and the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) intended for Planet Labs to deliver the BKG with daily, high-resolution satellite data for crisis response, environmental and wildlife conservation, as well as forest and agricultural monitoring. The BKG will be able to enhance public and civic safety across the Federal Republic of Germany with access to satellite data. The partnership was introduced in November 2021, and after a successful trial phase, it is now being expanded.

In June 2022, the "SARah-1" Earth observation satellite, which was developed by Airbus and is presently being set up for launch in June 2022 and operation by Airbus in space, moved from Friedrichshafen, Germany, to Vandenberg, California, USA, under subcontract to OHB System AG. 

Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market Leaders

  1. Airbus SE

  2. OHB SE

  3. GeoVille Information Systems GmbH

  4. Planet Labs PBC

  5. German Aerospace Center e. V. (DLR)

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market Concentration
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Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market News

  • December 2022: The successful partnership between the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG Bund) and GAF has been strengthened by signing a comprehensive framework agreement. The modern web portal runs on the Open Telekom Cloud (OTC) with guaranteed availability and is created by GAF. It provides full access to the capabilities of multiple commercial, extremely high-resolution optical and RADAR satellites for earth observation. 
  • November 2022: German LiveEO, a scaleup firm for Earth observation situated in Berlin, has received an investment of EUR 19 million, one of the most significant investments in the industry. LiveEO received support from the Business Applications project of the European Space Agency to create its main product, an infrastructure monitoring platform that uses satellite data. The company employs artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze Earth observation data to support crucial energy and transportation infrastructure in Europe and the United States and to monitor all significant grids by 2025.

Table of Contents


    1. 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition

    2. 1.2 Scope of the Study




    1. 4.1 Market Overview

    2. 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis

      1. 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers

      2. 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

      3. 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants

      4. 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes

      5. 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

    3. 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis

    4. 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


    1. 5.1 Market Drivers

      1. 5.1.1 Technological Advancements

      2. 5.1.2 Increasing Demand for Earth Observation Data

      3. 5.1.3 Government Initiatives and Policies

    2. 5.2 Market Restraints

      1. 5.2.1 Data Accessibility and Cost

      2. 5.2.2 Regulatory and Legal Challenges


    1. 6.1 By Type

      1. 6.1.1 Earth Observation Data

      2. 6.1.2 Value Added Services

    2. 6.2 By Satellite Orbit

      1. 6.2.1 Low Earth Orbit

      2. 6.2.2 Medium Earth Orbit

      3. 6.2.3 Geostationary Orbit

    3. 6.3 By End-use

      1. 6.3.1 Urban Development and Cultural Heritage

      2. 6.3.2 Agriculture

      3. 6.3.3 Climate Services

      4. 6.3.4 Energy and Raw Materials

      5. 6.3.5 Infrastructure

      6. 6.3.6 Others


    1. 7.1 Company Profiles

      1. 7.1.1 Airbus SE

      2. 7.1.2 OHB SE

      3. 7.1.3 GeoVille Information Systems GmbH

      4. 7.1.4 Planet Labs PBC

      5. 7.1.5 German Aerospace Center e. V. (DLR)

      6. 7.1.6 GAF AG

      7. 7.1.7 SKYLAB aerial vegetation mapping GmbH

      8. 7.1.8 NV5 Geospatial Solutions, Inc.

      9. 7.1.9 EFTAS Remote Sensing Technology Transfer GmbH

      10. 7.1.10 Earth Observation Services Jena GmbH

      11. 7.1.11 Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH

    2. *List Not Exhaustive
    3. 7.2 *List Not Exhaustive



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Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Industry Segmentation

Satellite-based earth observation is done with the help of satellites orbiting around the planet to view and identify environmental changes, map making, etc. The satellite-based earth observation technology captures and stores information from satellites relating to the physical, biological, and chemical compositions of the Earth for monitoring, surveillance, and decision-making in various verticals, such as defense and intelligence, infrastructure and engineering, natural resource management, energy and power, and disaster management.

The Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market is segmented by Type (Earth Observation Data, Value Added Services), Satellite Orbit (Low Earth Orbit, Medium Earth Orbit, Geostationary Orbit), and End-use (Urban Development and Cultural Heritage, Agriculture, Climate Services, Energy and Raw Materials, Infrastructure). The market sizes and forecasts are provided in terms of value (USD billion) for all the above segments.

By Type
Earth Observation Data
Value Added Services
By Satellite Orbit
Low Earth Orbit
Medium Earth Orbit
Geostationary Orbit
By End-use
Urban Development and Cultural Heritage
Climate Services
Energy and Raw Materials
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The Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market is projected to register a CAGR of 12.67% during the forecast period (2023-2028).

Airbus SE, OHB SE, GeoVille Information Systems GmbH, Planet Labs PBC and German Aerospace Center e. V. (DLR) are the major companies operating in the Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Market.

Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation Industry Report

Statistics for the 2023 Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation market share, size and revenue growth rate, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Germany Satellite-based Earth Observation analysis includes a market forecast outlook to for 2023 to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry analysis as a free report PDF download.

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