Glass Packaging Market Size

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Glass Packaging market size, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Glass Packaging size report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry size analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Size of Glass Packaging Industry

Glass Packaging Market Summary
Study Period 2018 - 2028
Market Size (2023) USD 82.06 Billion
Market Size (2028) USD 99.31 Billion
CAGR (2023 - 2028) 3.89 %
Fastest Growing Market Asia-Pacific
Largest Market Asia-Pacific

Major Players

Glass Packaging Market Major Players

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order


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Glass Packaging Market Analysis

The Glass Packaging Market size is estimated at USD 82.06 billion in 2023, and is expected to reach USD 99.31 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 3.89% during the forecast period (2023-2028).

Glass packaging is considered one of the most trusted forms of packaging for health, taste, and environmental safety. Glass packaging, considered premium, maintains the freshness and safety of the product. This can ensure its continuous usage worldwide, across a range of end-user industries, despite the heavy competition from plastic packaging.

  • Rising consumer demand for safe and healthier packaging helps glass packaging grow in different categories. Also, innovative technologies for embossing, shaping, and adding artistic finishes to glass make glass packaging more desirable among end-users. Furthermore, factors such as the increasing demand for eco-friendly products and the rising demand from the food and beverage market stimulate the market's growth.
  • Also, the recyclable nature of glass makes it environmentally the most desired packaging type. Lightweight glass has become a significant innovation, offering the same resistance as conventional glass materials and higher stability, reducing the volume of raw materials and CO2 emitted.
  • According to European Container Glass Federations (FEVE), 162 manufacturing plants are distributed all over Europe, and container glass is an essential contributor to Europe's real economy and employs about 50,000 people while creating many job opportunities along the total supply chain.
  • From a regional point of view, emerging markets like India and China are witnessing high demand for beer, soft drinks, and ciders due to the consumers' increasing per capita spending and changing lifestyles. However, the increasing operational costs and growing usage of substitute products, such as plastics and tin, are restraining the market growth.
  • One of the main challenges for the market is the increased competition from alternative forms of packaging, such as aluminum cans and plastic containers. As these items are lighter in weight than bulky glass, they are gaining popularity among manufacturers and customers because of the lower cost involved in their carriage and transportation.
  • Glass packaging was considered an essential industry by most countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. The industry is witnessing increased demand from the food & beverage and pharmaceutical sectors. There has been increased demand for glass packaging from the F&B and pharmaceutical sectors, as the COVID-19 pandemic has led to greater demand for medicine bottles, food jars, and beverage bottles.
  • Moreover, during the pandemic, consumers recognized the sustainable benefits of glass packaging. In a survey of over 10,000 consumers from 10 countries by industry experts, glass and paper-based cartons were considered the most sustainable, and multi-substrate packaging was viewed as the least sustainable.