Computed Tomography (CT) Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Computed Tomography (CT) market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Computed Tomography (CT) trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Computed Tomography (CT) Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Computed Tomography (CT) Market according to our research experts:

The High Slice Segment is Expected to Observe Healthy Growth 

High-slice scanners have more than 128 slices, such as 256, 320, and 640 slices, the highest number of slices. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, companies were developing new products and ramping up production, as CT scanners are used as a primary tool in many areas. In July 2022, Dr. LH Hiranandani Hospital, India, installed 384-slice cardiac CT scan devices by Siemens Heathineers. Cardiologists and cardiac surgeons can make more informed decisions about the next step in the patients' care owing to the modern, AI-based CT scanner that has three times greater diagnostic accuracy (compared to the previous 128 slices for cardiac).

A high-slice CT scanner helps reduce scan time, increase patient throughput, reduce radiation doses, and offer images with more detail and fewer artifacts. It is also preferred for advanced imaging, like in cardiovascular exams. On the other hand, patients with arrhythmias, fast heart rates, obesity, and pediatric patients are better suited for high-slice systems, which are faster and have a larger imaging area. High-slice CT is also quicker as no film images need to be developed. Radiologists can further optimize images using computers to detect microcalcifications that could be missed on low- and medium-slice CT scanners. Thus, the advantages of high-slice CT scanners may boost the market’s growth.

These CT scanners are one of the most advanced, providing 3D images of virtually any patient, including those with cardiac or respiratory conditions, which are more complex than other conditions. As per the data provided by the British Heart Foundation report in January 2021, cardiovascular and circulatory diseases cause more than 27% of deaths in the United Kingdom, and about 7.6 million people in the country are living with heart diseases. Therefore, such factors are expected to drive the segment's growth in the future.

Computed Tomography (CT) Market - Estimated Number of Cancer Cases (in Million), Global, 2020-2040

North America Accounted for the Largest Share in the Computed Tomography (CT) Market

The North American computed tomography (CT) market holds a significant share globally. The growth of the market in the region is due to an increasing burden of chronic diseases such as cancer and neurological diseases, the presence of a well-established healthcare system, and increased awareness about medical imaging.

The US market’s growth can be attributed to the rising geriatric population. As the population ages, more cancer cases and chronic diseases are likely to be identified. According to the National Brain Tumor Society, in 2020, about 700,000 people in the United States had a brain tumor, and around 87,000 people are estimated to be diagnosed with it.​ Hence, the rising geriatric population is leading to a growing burden of chronic diseases, which may increase the demand for CT scans and drive the market.

According to the PubMed report, the estimated investment for cardiovascular diseases was USD 2,622 million in 2022, a significant increase from the 2021 figures of USD 2,499 million. CT rapidly creates detailed pictures of the heart and its arteries. The test can diagnose or detect plaque build-up in the coronary arteries to determine the risk of heart disease, leading to high demand for CT scans in disease management. ​The market players are focusing on growth strategies, such as product launches, innovations in existing products, and mergers and acquisitions. For instance, in May 2021, Siemens Healthineers launched SOMATOM X-ceed, which has a high-speed and high-resolution CT scanner with an intelligent operation approach that simplifies procedures for medical staff and patients.

Computed Tomography (CT) Market - Growth Rate by Region