Endpoint Security Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Endpoint Security market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Endpoint Security trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.


Market Trends of Endpoint Security Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Endpoint Security Market according to our research experts:

Manufacturing End User Segment is Expected to Grow Significantly Over the Forecast Period

  • While the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 enhance production processes, provide more control over inventory management, and offer better automation, they have also created a new layer of vulnerabilities for manufacturers about data breaches, which could lead to data loss or leakage.
  • Manufacturers also store a vast range of specialized and classified data on their systems, such as ongoing projects, designs for future products that companies may not like to expose, and confidential financial data that contains critical and confidential information that hackers can access. For instance, computer-aided design (CAD) contains secretive information that can be hacked to produce counterfeit goods or even infected or trojanized to enable attackers to access critical systems.
  • In addition, the manufacturing sector has experienced an increase in attacks involving data breaches in recent times. In May last year, Yamabiko, a Tokyo-headquartered power tool and agricultural and industrial machinery manufacturer, was added to the data leak site used by the Babukgroup's Babukransomware. This data leak includes personally identifiable information (PII) on employees, financial data, product schematics, and many more. The group claimed to have a total of 0.5 TB of data.
  • Further, the proliferation of 5G-connected IoT sensors indicates a radical expansion of the potential attack surface for manufacturers. This is because the advent of 5G will enable the connection of machinery and a stream of real-time data. Such transformations may compel endpoint security vendors to roll out innovative offerings in the future.
Endpoint Security Market - State of security Al and automation comparing three levels of deployment, Global, 2021, in %

North America is Expected to Hold the Largest Market Share

  • North America is a primary hub for all major organizations across the world. The expansion of the retail industry and the growth of IoT drive the demand for smart devices and mobiles in the region. The risks of attacks that can impact the endpoint security market vary from individuals and corporates to governments. Thus, protecting data has become a priority in the region.
  • Moreover, cyberattacks in the North American region, especially in the United States, are rising rapidly and have reached an all-time high, primarily owing to the rapidly growing number of connected devices in the region.
  • According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), the average number of breaches in the United States has increased marginally over the past few years. The number of data breaches faced by the United States increased from 1,506 breaches in 2017 to 1,826 violations in the last year.
  • The healthcare industry in the region is also witnessing many data breaches as health-related data is moving rapidly toward electronic records. This has resulted in an increase in electronic health and medical records, which require endpoint security solutions. According to HIPAA, the healthcare sector recorded more than 686 data breaches last year, including the exposure or theft of more than 44.99 million records.
  • According to statistics in the Cost of Data Breach Report published by IBM this year, Canada ranked third in terms of the highest average data breach cost. The country’s average cost of data breaches stood at USD 5.40 million last year, up from USD 4.50 million the year before.
  • According to the Canadian Center for Cyber Security, ransomware attacks increased by 151% globally in the first half of last year. The Cyber Center reported 235 ransomware incidents against victims in Canada. Further, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) estimated that Canadians lost USD 170 million due to fraud in the previous year.
Endpoint Security Market - Endpoint Security Market - Growth Rate by Region