Non-Destructive Testing Market in Oil and Gas Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Non-Destructive Testing Market in Oil and Gas market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Non-Destructive Testing Market in Oil and Gas trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Non-Destructive Testing Industry in Oil and Gas Market

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Oil & Gas Non-Destructive Testing Market according to our research experts:

The Rising Usage of Drones in the Market

  • Over the last few years, camera-equipped drones have become another commonly used tool in NDTs for collecting visual data. Due to technical limitations, drones could only provide inspectors with supplementary visual data for a short time. Still, they were not a substitute for inspectors who physically collect the visual data themselves. However, as drone technology has improved, inspectors can now use the drone as an RVI tool, eliminating the need to collect visual data manually in some cases.
  • Drones improve workplace safety by eliminating the need for inspectors to enter dangerous areas to collect visual data. For outdoor inspections of assets like refineries, pipelines, and oil reserves, drones can collect visual data to reduce the amount of time a person needs to be on a tower or line.
  • For indoor inspection of assets such as pressure vessels and boilers, using a drone like the Elios 2 from FlyAbility to collect visual data eliminates the need for inspectors to enter confined spaces and significantly reduces the risk.
  • To date, the primary use of drones in NDT has been collecting visual data. However, thermal sensors mounted on drones have allowed inspectors to collect thermal data on a drone-by-drone basis over the past few years. Over time, new sensors developed for drones may emerge to support more NDT technologies.
Non-Destructive Testing Market in Oil and Gas Market : Comparison of Sense Fly eBee Drone Maximum Flight Time, by Model, In Minutes,Global,2022

North America to Remain the Largest Market

  • With the rise of oil and gas projects in countries such as the United States, Canada, and Mexico, the region can grow strongly over the next few years. The United States is one of the largest producers of natural gas and crude oil.
  • The United States has one of the world's largest technically recoverable shale gas reserves and the second-largest tight oil reserves. New developments in hydraulic fracturing and break-even technology support upstream oil and gas in the onshore region. This means that NDT companies are in high demand.
  • Canada is one of the world's largest producers of gas and oil. The oil and gas industry is vital to the country's economy. Oil sands remain a significant source of hydrocarbon production, accounting for more than 90% of total oil reserves. According to the Canadian Oil Producers Association (CAPP), the country's oil production is projected to reach 5.4 billion barrels per day in 2030, with oil sands accounting for 70.7% of the total output.
  • The factors mentioned earlier contribute to the increasing demand for Non-Destructive Testing in the oil & gas market in the region during the forecast period.
Non-Destructive Testing Market in Oil and Gas Market - Growth Rate by Region