Turf & Ornamental Inputs Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Turf & Ornamental Inputs market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Turf & Ornamental Inputs trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Turf & Ornamental Inputs Industry

Increasing Development of the Golf Courses and Sports Field

Turf and Ornamental chemicals input play an important role in the maintenance of the turf grasses of Golf courses and sports fields. Golf course turf grass is carefully maintained by a greenskeeper to control weeds, and insects and to introduce nutrients, such as nitrogen fertilization. Fertilizing properly and on schedule is necessary to keep the course attractive and in outstanding playing condition. Turf grass will become stronger and more resilient as a result of fertilizer, which promotes growth and supplies vital nutrients. With the use of fertilizer, healthy turf can be maintained, or dying or dormant turf can be revived. 

According to the Golf Around the World 2021, there were 38,081 golf courses in 206 different countries. Golf is a popular sport in the United States, in which there are currently over 15,000 golf courses in the country. Florida is a popular destination for retirees (who tend to play a lot of golf) and it has a great climate for playing year-round. After Florida, the states with the most golf courses are New York, California, Texas, Ohio, and Michigan.

Although there are many other mixtures and combinations of fertilizers on the market, phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen are the three major fertilizers used for their maintenance, out of which nitrogen is the most essential one. These three nutrients’ N (nitrogen) promotes healthy leaf and stem growth. This helps grow the best thick and strong grass throughout the spring and summer months. In low-maintenance areas a single source of nitrogen may meet the needs of the turf. But where demands are greater as for lawns, golf courses and athletic fields, combinations of different sources, polymeric colorants and surfactants are necessary.

Turf Ornamentals Chemical Input Market: Number of Golf Courses, in Units, Major Country, 2022

North America Dominates the Market

North America is currently the largest market for Turf & Ornamental Chemical Input in the world, with countries, like the United States, Canada, and Mexico, demonstrating massive adoption of sports fields for controlled and sustainable turf plant growth. Moreover, due to the increasing incomes and urbanization, the people in the country are willing to spend more on the maintenance of turf grasses in the lawns. 

According to a study by the Bureau of labor statistics, in 2020, the annual spending on the maintenance of lawns increased from USD 113.61 in 2018 to USD 115.07. In the United States, the new generation fertilizer is colored to enhance its appearance and value. For instance, a company, Sun Chemical, provides a wide range of colorants for fertilizers in multiple systems. The high tinting strength is expected to reduce one’s costs, while light fastness properties are expected to stand up to UV rays for surface and mass fertilizer coloration. 

Leisure turf and lawns are among the most grown crops in the United States. These leisure turfs and lawns are mostly preferred by house owners and commercial places for landscaping to curb the appeal. People in North America are shifting to native grasses as they help in water conservation. For instance, in Texas, native grasses, such as buffalo grass, blue grama, and thunder turf, have been replacing other grass and turf varieties. This factor is further expected to boost the demand for fertilizers and othert chemical inputs during the coming years. 

Turf Ornamental Chemical Input Market: Market Size, in %, Region, 2022