Indonesia Metal Packaging Market Share

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Indonesia Metal Packaging market share, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Indonesia Metal Packaging share report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry share analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Share of Indonesia Metal Packaging Industry

The Indonesia Metal Packaging Market is fragmented, with the presence of global and domestic vendors operating in the market with considerable market share and aiming for different approaches such as acquisitions, mergers, technological advancements, expansion, and tactics to strengthen their positions. Some of the other key players are PT Pelangi Indah Canindo Tbk, PT Indonesia Multi Colour Printing, Rheem Indonesia, Sonoco Indonesia, and others.

In July 2022: The National Agency of Drug and Food Control, Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) issued a notice to adjust the limits of heavy metals allowed in processed foods that will be enforced over 12 months. In order to protect the community from contamination in the food supply and to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian processed food products, heavy metals are a key area of governance focus. BPOM decided to update the heavy metal contamination limits in the Regulation on Requirements for Heavy Metal Contaminants in Processed Food, which will replace the previous regulations last amended in 2018. 

Major heavy metals that will be monitored included arsenic, plumbum, cadmium, mercury and tin. Multiple processed food product categories including dairy, frozen foods, spreads, confectionary, cereals, bakery goods, edible oils, bottled water, non-alcoholic drinks, alcohol, coffee, tea, snacks and more all have new set heavy metal limits which manufacturers will need to transition to over the next year in order to avoid being hit with penalties.
Additionally, all corporations that deal with the production, storage, transportation and/or distribution of processed foods are responsible to meet the criteria and standards of heavy metal limits in the items within their purview. Both organised and unorganised corporations that handle processed foods will have to comply to this, and failure to do so will result in fines. These new contamination standards apply not only to locally manufactured products, but also imported ones, which will be subject to the relevant analysis by either local or foreign accredited laboratories. All imported processed food products will need to have been tested via validated or verified methods of analysis, and this must be done by suitable accredited laboratories in accordance with the law.
Further the agency has added that If the analysis has been done in a lab at the product’s country of origin, the results must get mutually recognised by the authorised institution and/or accredited laboratories in Indonesia. Enforcement of these standards are to begin in 2023. All product manufacturers will need to make the transition to meet these before enforcement and monitoring is implemented in the second quarter of 2023.

Indonesia Metal Packaging Market Leaders

  1. PT Pelangi Indah Canindo Tbk

  2. Sonoco Products Company (Sonoco Indonesia)

  3. PT Indonesia Multi Colour Printing

  4. Crown Holdings, Inc.

  5. PT United Can Company Ltd.

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

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