Mexico Bariatric Surgery Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Mexico Bariatric Surgery market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Mexico Bariatric Surgery trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Mexico Bariatric Surgery Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Mexico Bariatric Surgery Market according to our research experts:

Closure Devices Expected to Exhibit a Significant Growth Rate

Closure devices are used in bariatric procedures for reconnecting tissues and for the closing of incisions which are made through trocars. The growing cases of obesity are expected to increase the demand for these devices. In October 2022, a press release by the OECD stated that more than half of the Mexican population over 15 years of age suffers from overweight and obesity. As per the same source, the world's highest rate of obesity is around 69% among those over the age of 15. In the past 30 years, the obesity rate in Mexico has tripled. Since 4.5 million children between the ages of 5 and 11 already struggle with obesity, childhood is the foundation of the issue. Hence, the aforementioned factors are expected to drive market growth over the forecast period in this segment.

Moreover, the rise in investments in hospital infrastructure in Mexico is predicted to contribute to the market growth over the analysis period. For instance, in April 2022, the Jalisco government, Mexico, planned to invest more than USD 301.5 million in healthcare infrastructure over the next three years to build new hospitals and healthcare centers and upgrade existing ones. Furthermore, as per IDF 2021, about 14 million adults in Mexico are living with diabetes, a rise of 10% in the past two years. ​About 11 million adults in the country have Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT), which places them at high risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.​ Hence, the rising number of cases of diabetes is expected to increase obesity which helps in increasing the demand for bariatric surgeries in Mexico.

Thus, the abovementioned factors are expected to increase market growth during the forecast period.

Mexico Bariatric Surgery Market: Incidence of New Diabetes Cases (in Thousands), Mexico, 2021-2045

Gastric Balloon Segment Expected to Exhibit a Significant Growth Rate

Factors such as the increasing prevalence of chronic disease coupled with partnership are expected to increase market growth. In March 2022, a press release published by Mexico Business stated that the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) introduced the Protocols of Integral Attention (PAI) for chronic diseases and their complications. These protocols train medical professionals in preventing, detecting, and diagnosing these diseases.

Between January 2021 and August 2021, heart diseases, diabetes, and chronic pulmonary illnesses were three of Mexico's 10 leading causes of death. As per the same source, in Mexico, 25 percent of the population suffers from hypertension. Of those diagnosed, about 20 percent lacked access to medical treatment, according to INSP. Such a high disease prevalence is expected to increase the demand for gastric balloons, thus increasing segmental growth. 

Similarly, according to the World Obesity Atlas 2021 report, many countries were predicted to have over 1 million children with obesity by 2030, including Mexico (6.8 million). Thus, such a high prevalence of obesity is expected to increase the growth of the gastric balloon segment over the forecast period.

Mexico Bariatric Surgery Market: Prevalence of Obesity (in Millions), By Gender, Mexico, 2030