Middle East & Africa Fermented Ingredients Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Middle East & Africa Fermented Ingredients market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Middle East & Africa Fermented Ingredients trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Middle East & Africa Fermented Ingredients Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the MEA Fermented Ingredients Market according to our research experts:

Increased Demand for Amino Acids

The growing popularity of amino acids, especially the BCAA formulation and amino acid supplements, is anticipated to boost the market growth for fermented amino acids. As most of the animal feed industry in the region utilize the traditional cereal crops, such as maize, soya oilcake, wheat bran, and so on, therefore, the country has huge potential for fermented amino acid manufacturers of lysine, tryptophan, threonine, and methionine. 

The major established players of the market in the region are also focusing on product launches and developments to introduce new technologies or developing further on the existing product portfolio. For instance, Evonik at AGRENA launched its latest animal nutrition innovations- Biolys® and Ecobiol®, for the Middle East and North Africa, where Biolys is an innovative lysine source obtained through the fermentation process in 2017.

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Pharmaceutical is the Fastest Growing Segment

The pharmaceutical industry is facing high demand for amino acid infusions, as they have been found to increase the success rate of surgeries. This increasing demand can be attributed to the fact that the human body rejects the protein in the infusions (earlier used) and has been, thus, widely replaced by amino acid infusions.​ A variety of amino acids are majorly being utilized for making intravenous nutrient solutions for pre- and post-operative care. 

The nutrient solution mixtures account for a very small portion of the total volume of amino acids being produced and sold every year, however; the purity in terms of grade of amino acids employed is high, which makes it a value-added component, thus, propelling the market growth. The increasing utilization of amino acids in Branched Chain Amino Acid  (BCAAs) formulas for people with liver dysfunction has given high scope for manufacturers for amino acid production, valine, leucine, and isoleucine in specific.

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