North America Dairy Protein Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 North America Dairy Protein market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. North America Dairy Protein trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of North America Dairy Protein Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the North America Dairy Protein Market according to our research experts:

Widespread Applications of Dairy Protein in Performance Nutrition to Boost Revenues

Dairy proteins are uniquely positioned to add nutrition to food products with low protein content. North America dairy protein manufacturers are finding ways to provide consumers with more options, and are developing innovative products that incorporate dairy proteins into various snacks, baking mixes, beverages, sports nutrition products, and more. For example, whey protein-based products are increasingly being used in the sports nutrition industry. This includes products such as whey protein bars, powders, and drinks.

Consumers in the current market place are affected more by interactive labelling. Manufacturers in the sports nutrition industry are focusing more on the packaging of the products, including an appealing labelling, making it easy for the consumers to know what ingredients they are consuming, and ensuring the safety of product to themselves.

North America Dairy Protein Market

United States Leads the North America Dairy Market

North America dairy market can help formulators to meet consumer demand for clean labels and day-to-day convenience at production scale. Consumers can easily incorporate whey protein into their diets, by directly combining it with smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, pasta, and more, to increase their protein consumption throughout the day. Whey proteins offer natural alternatives to anabolic-androgenic steroids for bodybuilders. There are numerous commercial sports nutrition products available in the United States presently, that use whey protein as a protein source. The categories that incorporate whey proteins as a part of their nutritional profile are, in general, very high-protein products: meal replacements, weight-gain products, and pre-workout drinks.


North America Dairy Protein Market