Global Optical Genome Mapping Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Global Optical Genome Mapping market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Global Optical Genome Mapping trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Global Optical Genome Mapping Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Optical Genome Mapping Market according to our research experts:

Optical Genome Mapping Instruments are Expected to Witness a Positive Growth Over the Forecast Period

Optical Genome Mapping Instruments are instruments used in high-resolution genome-wide studies revealing copy number and structural anomalies, including balanced translocations, using ultra-high molecular weight DNA molecules.

The study published in the MDPI journal in 2021, “Optical Genome Mapping in Routine Human Genetic Diagnostics—Its Advantages and Limitations”, explains that Optical genome mapping (OGM) has emerged as a viable technique for discovering large-scale structural variations in human genomes. It can detect structural variants that are difficult to detect using current approaches. They also explained the advantages of Optical Genome Mapping with the Bionano Saphyr system which has proven to be a valuable tool to confirm the Structural Variants initially detected by other diagnostic means. This advantage is based on the ability to obtain high-resolution breakpoints for the Structural Variants found, which may often be used to determine whether genes or regulatory elements are affected, as well as whether complex rearrangements are present.

The article published in 2021 in Gene’s journal, “Optical Genome Mapping as a Next-Generation Cytogenomic Tool for Detection of Structural and Copy Number Variations for Prenatal Genomic Analyses” elucidate that Optical Genome Mapping based assays are cost-effective, have quick turn-around times (from sample to report in 4 days), do not require custom complex bioinformatic pipelines, are high-resolution when compared to traditional methods, and can detect all  Structural Variants classes relevant for prenatal diagnostic testing in an automated manner.

As a result of the aforementioned factors, the Optical Genome Mapping Instruments segment is predicted to develop significantly throughout the forecast period.

Optical Genome Mapping Market Share

North America is Expected to Lead the Optical Genome Mapping Market

In 2021, North America held most of the market share for the optical genome mapping market. Increased development in the field of genetic research caused this region to emerge as the leading one. According to the Tedtallk Podcast by United States, Food and Drug Administration aired on 2021 under the topic Whole Genome Sequencing in the New Era of Smarter Food Safety, talked about the rising use of whole-genome sequencing in the public and private sectors means for food safety. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is a cutting-edge technology that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has put into a novel and health-promoting application. Whole-genome sequencing reveals an organism's entire DNA makeup, allowing the United States Food and Drug Administration to better comprehend variances within and between species. With the help of optical genome mapping, genome sequencing is way easier and enables the United States Food and Drug Administration to distinguish between species with a level of precision that is not possible with current technologies.

The presence of manufacturers in the country, as well as key product releases, have all contributed to the growth of the optical genome mapping market. There is an ongoing clinical trial (2022) titled” Validation of Optical Genome Mapping for the Identification of Constitutional Genomic Variants in a Postnatal Cohort” sponsored by Bionano Genomics, a California-based company. The objective of the trial is Optical Genome Mapping (OGM) using the Bionano Genomics Saphyr system to detect the genomic structural variants (SVs) in human DNA.

The analyzed market is predicted to grow in the North American region as a result of the preceding factors.

Optical Genome Mapping Market Growth