Packaging Printing Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Packaging Printing market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Packaging Printing trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Packaging Printing Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Packaging Printing Market according to our research experts:

Food and Beverage Sector is Expected to Hold Significant Market Share

  • The packing industry has undergone an immense transformation over the last couple of years, owing to the increase in the number of start-ups worldwide, the introduction of diversified categories of food and non-food products, and increased demand for food and beverage during the pandemic.
  • The demand for printing in food packaging is increasing owing to rising consumer demand for packaged products due to the shift in eating habits, and evolving lifestyles may have an imperative impact on the market. A rise in per capita disposable income and a growing population are expected to aid in the product demand owing to high barrier properties, shelf life, and consumer safety. Printing on food packaging materials is used for consumer information and marketing purposes. Printings are used with many different packaging materials. Plastics, paper, board, and cork may be directly printed.
  • As the food contents are printed on the product helps in the awareness regarding the food item; the demand for product transparency increased among the buyers, which has led to high demand for packaging printing in the food sector. There is a growing demand for natural and high‐quality foods, which are minimally processed or unprocessed, do not contain preservatives, and offer a longer shelf-life. Packaged food is used for various purposes, such as barrier and contamination protection, convenience, and portion control. Sustainable packaging addresses food waste and loss reduction by safety issues by preventing food-borne diseases and chemical contamination and preserving food quality.
  • A consumer’s buying behavior plays a vital role in the growth of packaged food market. For a couple of years, consumers have been tilted toward convenient food. A fast-paced, hectic lifestyle, time constraints for meal preparations, developing e-commerce, and rising disposable income have boosted packaged food sales. An increasing preference for convenience is expected to bolster the demand in the market studied.
  • The e-commerce sector, which was already booming, saw a sudden increase in sales during the pandemic. During the pandemic, many grocers shifted their business online to promote no-contact shopping. According to UNCTAD, the online retail sector grew its sales from 16% to 19% in 2020.
  • According to Just Eat, a Dutch online platform specializing in online food ordering and home delivery, in 2021, Just Eat received approximately 1.09 billion orders, a significant increase compared to the previous year when the company counted 588 million, which propelled the packaging printing market.
Packaging Printing Market: Number of Orders from Just Eat, in 1,000's, Global, by Country, 2014 - 2021

Asia-Pacific is Expected to be the Fastest-growing Market

  • The packaging printing market is widespread in the Asia-Pacific region concerning multiple printing technologies and applications in various industries. Various industries related to food and beverage, consumer electronics, etc., in countries like China, India, Japan, and South Korea have resulted in significant demand for packaging solutions in the region.
  • The demand for packaging printing is expected to rise in the Asia-Pacific region alongside the packaging industry. The packaging industry is propelled by the growing increase of nuclear families, new packaging material, increasing customer comfort needs, and population aging. Another factor anticipated to drive consumer growth is the rising demand for packaged drinks. The growing demand for bottled water, alcoholic beverages, carbonated soft drinks, and canned juices has increased the purchase and consumption of bottled beverages.
  • Packaging printing has broadly used in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, household and cosmetic, electronic, and automobile industries. For example, packaging printing is commonly used in the food and beverage industry, owing to the growing trend of digital data printing on food packages to convey the product's shelf-life, content, and nutritional value.
  • The rising demand for packaging printing applications would fuel market growth over the forecast period. Moreover, factors such as growth in demand for sustainable printing, growing demand for flexible packaging, cost-effectiveness, and decreased packaging waste, drive the packaging printing market. The growing healthcare sector and the popularity of convenient packaging are the main drivers of the packaging printing market.
  • In the Asia-Pacific region, the packaging printing market is primarily driven by increasing consumer spending and rising demand for sustainable products. An increase in processed food consumption is driving the market's growth. Emerging technologies for packaging printing can also be seen as a driving factor for the development of the market. The growing pharmaceutical industry and the increasing demand for convenient packaging are major growth factors for this market.
Packaging Printing Market - Growth Rate by Region (2022-2027)