PET Packaging Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 PET Packaging market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. PET Packaging trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of PET Packaging Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the PET Packaging Market according to our research experts:

Bottles to Have Significant Growth

  • The high barrier qualities of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) against water vapor, gases, diluted acids, oils, and alcohols make it a common material for food packing. Additionally, PET is easy to recycle, reasonably flexible, and shatterproof. According to Earth Day organizers, one million plastic bottles are purchased in the United States every minute. The average American drinks in 167 plastic water bottles annually. Due to the region's growing need for packaged drinking water, there is an increasing market for PET plastic tops and enclosures.
  • PET, derived from PE, offers excellent stiffness compared to other types of plastic. Additionally, it keeps a robust protective structure and possesses extraordinary moisture resistance abilities. Plastic bottles for liquids or beverages are produced using it. PET is used to make disposable plastic containers that are also used for packaging frozen or ready-to-eat foods. PET is well-liked because it provides a sound oil barrier, which helps the material fend off chemicals that could harm it.
  • The expanding e-commerce sector also contributes substantially to the market's expansion worldwide. Numerous brands are employing PET more frequently because it is simple to carry PET bottles and jars from a logistics perspective. Additionally, because PET bottles are lightweight and don't need to be handled carefully, the cost of transportation is greatly diminished. Therefore, it is projected that the market demand will be supported over the forecast period by people's growing propensity for online shopping.
  • The demand for PET for creating bottles and jars is anticipated to increase significantly due to the rising demand for food and beverage items worldwide. Additionally, the packaging of hand sanitizers in PET bottles saw a rise in need in the healthcare sector. In addition, the demand for hand sanitizer bottles is anticipated to stay high as COVID-19's effects persist and certain countries continue to see an increase in coronavirus cases, which will fuel the expansion of PET bottles for hand sanitizer packaging.
  • Several advancements and trends in how companies and products use PET demonstrate the focus on PET and the expansion of its market share. PET has many uses and is easily blown into bottles or shaped into sheets thanks to its clarity and built-in CO2 barriers. PET characteristics can be enhanced with colorants, UV blockers, oxygen barriers/scavengers, and other additives to create bottles that meet a brand's requirements.
PET Packaging Market - Average Recycling Cost for Plastic Packaging per Kilogram, in Japanese Yen, Japan, 2016 - 2022

Asia-Pacific to Witness Significant Growth in the Market

  • China is among the largest polyethylene terephthalate (PET) markets worldwide. For the past few years, the country's growing production of engineering plastics, such as PET, has been aided by the plentiful availability of raw materials and low cost of manufacture. The demand for PET bottles in China is constantly rising. It is obvious how critical soft drinks are to PET's chances in China. It is significantly influenced by the bottled water industry and its key players, like Master Kong and Nongfu Spring, as well as the significant rise in bottled water consumption in China yearly.
  • Due to PET's benefits over the currently utilized traditional packaging polymers, the usage of PET goods in the packaging sector (PET containers, bottles, etc.) is increasing. Due to rising exports and domestic consumption, packing materials are in higher demand in China from sectors including the food and beverage industry, consumer goods, and others.
  • A variety of plastics, including polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and others, are produced in India. India has a massive capability for producing PET, and most of the domestic market's needs are met. However, regional differences also exist in the domestic market's consumption of PET. Due to numerous end-user businesses and a vast distribution network, the North and West of India account for most PET use.
  • The demand for single-serve and small-sized goods packaged in materials like PET and metal cans has surged in India as the country adopts an on-the-go food consumption trend. Because consumers are budget aware and look for products that provide value for money, flexible packaging materials like PET are still widely used nationwide.
  • However, consumers have started gravitating toward alternate packaging materials because they have eco-friendly qualities. Due to their eco-friendliness and high capacity for recycling, glass and aluminum have seen significant acceptance rates in the area. As a result, customers are turning away from plastic in more significant numbers.
Global PET Packaging Market - Growth Rate by Region