South America Vitamin Fortified and Mineral Enriched Food & Beverage Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 South America Vitamin Fortified and Mineral Enriched Food & Beverage market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. South America Vitamin Fortified and Mineral Enriched Food & Beverage trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of South America Vitamin Fortified and Mineral Enriched Food & Beverage Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the South America Vitamin Fortified & Mineral Enriched Food & Beverage Market according to our research experts:

Growing Popularity of Functional Beverages

Consumers in South America have a greater understanding of the relationship between diet and health, which is fueling the growth in the industry. Besides, the increasing purchasing power among the middle-class population is triggering the market growth. The obesity rate is increasing in Brazil, which is further increasing health awareness among individuals, as a result, consumers are shifting towards these functional drinks. Consumers in Argentina are demanding packaged food that provides health & wellness, despite the economic crisis. This trend is expected to benefit the functional beverage market of the beverage market.   Strong promotional activities and discount deals offered by hypermarket supermarkets are boosting the market for the functional beverages in Argentina.

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Supermarket/Hypermarket is the Preferred Channel

The increase in demographics spending, ease, and convenience through supermarket purchases is expected to pave a strong pathway for fortified food manufacturers to penetrate, particularly in the developing countries, where these stores are being set in large numbers. Consumers prefer purchasing the food & beverage products through supermarkets, as it serves as a platform with the availability of all the products in one place, which saves time and energy. The supermarket/hypermarket chains are searching for new ways to increase sales through their channels. Discount offers, lending new attractive look to the products, and making brochures are some of the techniques being adopted to increase sales.

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