United Kingdom Barbeque Grill Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 United Kingdom Barbeque Grill market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. United Kingdom Barbeque Grill trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of United Kingdom Barbeque Grill Industry

Charcoal Barbeque Grills are Dominating the Market

Charcoal barbecue grills are quite popular in the UK, particularly during the summer months when people enjoy cooking and eating outdoors. In fact, many people in the UK consider barbequing to be an important part of their culture and social gatherings. One reason for the popularity of charcoal grills in the UK is the tradition of using them for cooking sausages, burgers, and other meats. Charcoal grilling is also known for giving food a smoky flavor that many people find appealing. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in other types of barbeque grills, such as gas and electric grills, as they offer convenience and ease of use. However, many people in the UK still prefer to use charcoal grills, often citing the unique flavor and experience of cooking with charcoal. Overall, while there are certainly other types of barbecue grills available, charcoal grills remain a popular choice among many people in the UK.

United Kingdom Barbeque Grill Market: Share of Grill Market, By Type, United Kingdom, In %, 2022

Residential Segment is Dominating the Market

The residential segment dominates the barbecue grill market in the UK. The majority of barbecue grill sales in the UK are for residential use, with the market for commercial barbecue grills being relatively small in comparison. This is likely due to the fact that the UK has a strong tradition of home grilling and outdoor cooking, with many households owning their own backyard or garden space. As a result, there is a strong demand for residential barbecue grills, with consumers looking for a range of options to suit their needs and preferences. That being said, the commercial segment of the barbecue grill market in the UK is growing, particularly in the foodservice and hospitality industries. Restaurants, pubs, and catering companies are increasingly using barbecue grills to offer customers a unique and flavorful dining experience, and there is a growing trend towards outdoor dining and al fresco eating in the UK. Overall, while the residential segment dominates the barbecue grill market in the UK, there is also a growing demand for commercial barbecue grills in the foodservice and hospitality industries.

United Kingdom Barbeque Grill Market: Barbeque Grills, By Segment, In Percentage, United Kingdom, 2022