Transformer Market Size

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Transformer market size, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Transformer size report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry size analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Size of Transformer Industry

Transformer Market Summary
Study Period 2018- 2028
Base Year For Estimation 2022
CAGR > 6.50 %
Fastest Growing Market Asia-Pacific
Largest Market North America
Market Concentration Low

Major Players

Transformer Market Major Players

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order


Need a report that reflects how COVID-19 has impacted this market and its growth?

Transformer Market Analysis

The transformers market is expected to register a CAGR of more than 6.5% during the forecast period.

The outbreak of COVID-19 negatively impacted the market. Currently, the market has reached pre-pandemic levels.

  • The transformers market is mainly driven by the growing power demand in line with the increasing population and a global inclination toward renewable-based power generation and related adjustments in the transmission infrastructure.
  • However, challenges like high initial costs are expected to hamper the market growth in the near future.
  • Technological innovations like smart transformers for smart grids create opportunities for the transformers market. Smart transformers operate independently to regulate voltage, monitor and manage the power demand fluctuations, and provide feedback in a power supply system. The utility can also have remote access to smart transformers.
  • The Asia-Pacific region is expected to dominate the market over the coming years due to growing power demand in rural and semi-urban areas.