US Alcoholic Drinks Packaging Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 US Alcoholic Drinks Packaging market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. US Alcoholic Drinks Packaging trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of US Alcoholic Drinks Packaging Industry

Plastic to Witness the Growth

  • Alcoholic beverages are increasingly embracing plastic packaging solutions. There is an increasing demand for stand-up and spouted pouches for various beverage packaging. However, the quality of beverages is affected by pH, storage temperature, pressure, and the presence of contaminants. Changes in the levels can alter the composition of the beverage. Companies are increasingly employing flexible packaging products with properties such as high barrier resistance (heat, moisture, and bacteria) to eliminate possible oxidation.​
  • The rapidly adopted tendency of lightweight packaging material, alongside the inclination towards reducing production, shipment, and handling costs, is driving the flexible plastic packaging of beverages.
  • Logistics of glass packaging for beverages is expensive and inconvenient due to the large generation of breakage during transportation. Driven cost-effectiveness and ease of logistics offered by plastic packaging have encouraged multiple beverage companies to opt for it. Such likely implementation is expected to impact the studied market positively.
  • Spouted stand-up pouches, a product commonly used for beverage packaging, are anticipated to witness an increase in their use for liquid packaging throughout the projection period because they are simple to stand up on store shelves for more effective and efficient display. The market under study is predicted to choose a low-cost option for liquid and beverage packaging, leading to the widespread use of spouted stand-up pouches since they are less expensive than the standard glass and stiff plastic used for beverage packaging.
United States Alcoholic Drinks Packaging Market : Plastics Use in the United States in 2019, with Projections to 2030, in Millions Metric Tons

Glass Bottles Expected to Hold Significant Market Share

  • Glass is also often used in alcohol packaging since it is recyclable and may be reused endlessly without losing quality or purity. The water-resistant ability of glass helps avoid contamination of the flavor of alcohol in glass packaging.
  • Increased demand for glass, such as liquor bottles, across the region, along with the factor driving the demand for beer bottles, is the shortage of cans, especially after shutdown orders due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Glass Bottles also offer great convenience in carrying and storage, making them a preferable choice by consumers. These factors are expected to promote the demand for glass bottle packaging for alcoholic drinks.
  • More and more liquor manufacturers are becoming aware of using recycled materials in their packaging and raising the percentage of recycled glass used in their bottles. For instance, Absolut has vowed to minimize packaging waste by launching a limited-edition design made from 41% recycled glass.
  • It does not influence the strength, smell, or flavor of the alcohol because it has a 0% rate of chemical interaction. As a result, the glass category is predicted to increase its region's alcohol drinks packaging market share.
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