Veterinary Ventilators Market Size

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Veterinary Ventilators market size, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Veterinary Ventilators size report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry size analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Size of Veterinary Ventilators Industry

Veterinary Ventilators Market Summary
Study Period 2018 - 2028
Base Year For Estimation 2021
Forecast Data Period 2024 - 2028
CAGR 6.01 %
Fastest Growing Market Asia Pacific
Largest Market North America

Major Players

Veterinary Ventilators Market Major Players

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order


Need a report that reflects how COVID-19 has impacted this market and its growth?

Veterinary Ventilators Market Analysis

The veterinary ventilator market is projected to register a CAGR of 6.01%% during the forecast period.

The market observed a short-term negative impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visits to veterinary hospitals and clinics decreased during the initial phase of the pandemic. This led to a decrease in disease diagnoses for pets and hampered the growth of the market. However, after lockdowns were lifted, disease diagnosis for animals resumed a steady pace, with a high risk of pneumonia among animals. For instance, according to an article published in PetMD in April 2022, bacterial pneumonia is common among puppies, seniors, and immune-compromised dogs. As per the source above, a dog can be at risk of viral or fungal pneumonia if they reside in shelters, long-term boarding, daycare, or dog parks. Thus, the burden of pneumonia among animals increases the demand for veterinary ventilation. Veterinary hospitals and clinics continue the treatment for respiratory distressed pets, which contributes to market growth. Hence, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the market studied.

Factors such as growing animal health expenditure worldwide, increasing number of animal surgeries, and growing prevalence of veterinary diseases are major factors contributing to the growth of the market studied.

Diseases, such as lung diseases (pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary contusions following trauma, and congestive heart failure), tick paralysis, myasthenia gravis, and others, are generally managed with mechanical ventilation. According to an article published by MSD in October 2022, inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma, or pneumonia, causes breathing problems and is common in animals, such as dogs and cats.As per the same source, despite being rare, canine (dogs) tuberculous pneumonia occurs more frequently than in feline (cats) cases. Mycotic granulomatous pneumonia is more common in dogs than in cats, while in cats, cryptococcal pneumonia is reported more. Thus, the occurrence of various diseases among animals requires ventilation for treatment, creating demand for veterinary ventilation, which is expected to fuel market growth.

Tick paralysis is one of the most common reasons for emergency veterinary admissions for companion animals, and the treatment requires ventilation. An article published in PCBI in February 2022 mentioned that tick-borne diseases constitute a variety of debilitating conditions for pet dogs and cats. As per the same source, thousands of pet or domestic dogs are admitted to veterinary clinics due to tick paralysis for emergency treatment every year in Australia. Thus, the high burden of tick paralysis among the target veterinary population creates a high demand for ventilation for treatment, further driving the growth of the market studied.

The market is expected to witness growth over the forecast period due to the factors mentioned above. However, the lack of skilled professionals andnfrastructure in developing and underdeveloped countries are predicted to hamper market growth.