APAC E-commerce Market Share

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 APAC E-commerce market share, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. APAC E-commerce share report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry share analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Share of APAC E-commerce Industry

The level of rivalry in the industry is high, owing to the large number of players operating in the market, and the growing popularity and adoption of e-commerce are attracting newer players to the market, thus increasing the competitive rivalry in the Asia-Pacific e-commerce market.

In May 2023, JD.com, Inc. announced "One-Stop Shopping for Home Products and Appliances." It includes consistently putting customers first and upgrading services; retail-driven, healthy, and sustainable development; upgrading product offerings; making structural breakthroughs; developing omnichannel and establishing an industry ecosystem; enhancing cost and efficiency; and achieving win-win outcomes with partners.

In April 2023, Amazon established the Anti-Counterfeiting Exchange (ACX), an industry partnership to improve online shopping security and make it more challenging for counterfeiters to move between different sites to sell their fake goods. Participating retailers can exchange data with ACX regarding proven counterfeiters who have tried to use their services to try to sell fake goods. Participants in the ACX can detect and end offenders more rapidly than they could without this cooperative data sharing by exchanging information about these counterfeiters. An impartial third party offers participants anonymous access to share and receive information in compliance with industry standards and best practices.

APAC E-commerce Market Leaders

  1. Amazon.com Inc.

  2. Alibaba Group Holding Limited

  3. Rakuten Group, Inc.

  4. Apple Inc.

  5. JD.com, Inc.

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

APAC E-commerce Market Concentration