China Biofertilizer Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 China Biofertilizer market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. China Biofertilizer trend report includes a market forecast to 202 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.


Market Trends of china biofertilizer Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the China Biofertilizer Market according to our research experts:

Azotobacter is the largest Form

  • Biofertilizers are living microorganisms that improve plant nutrition by mobilizing or increasing nutrient availability in soils. Biofertilizers are essential components of organic farming that play an important role in long-term soil fertility and sustainability by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, mobilizing fixed macro and micronutrients, or converting insoluble phosphorous in the soil into forms available to plants.
  • In the Chinese biofertilizer market, Azotobacter is the most consumed biofertilizer, dominating the market with a share of 31.3%, valued at USD 137.1 million, followed by Mycorrhiza, Azospirillum, Rhizobium, and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria with shares of 22%, 22.0%, 11.6%, and 11.2%, respectively, in 2022.
  • As of 2021, China achieved its "eighteenth consecutive bumper grain harvest." However, this achievement was accomplished by problems such as the chronic overuse of agricultural fertilizers. China exceeds the internationally accepted upper limit of agricultural fertilizer per unit area. As a major global agricultural producer, China proposed a fertilizer reduction and efficiency initiative in 2015 to achieve "zero fertilizer growth rate and zero fertilizer use reduction" by 2020. China achieved a fertilizer reduction of 12.82% from 2015 to 2020. This initiative increased the consumption value of biofertilizers in the Chinese agricultural sector by 7.0% during the historical period (2017-2022).
  • Organic farming is also increasing in China as the demand for organic food continues to rise. From 2017 to 2022, 29.6% of organic acreage increased. Increasing organic acreage and government initiatives are expected to boost the value of the Chinese biofertilizers market during the forecast period by 78.8%.
China Biofertilizer Market: China Biofertilizer Market, CAGR, %, By Form, 2023 - 2029