Functional Beverage Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Functional Beverage market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Functional Beverage trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Functional Beverage Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Functional Beverage Market according to our research experts:

The Growing Demand for Healthy Hydration Products

The progressive inclination of consumers toward health-oriented beverages has involved probiotic food products as a requisite in the list. In addition, the sale promoting tag lines, such as “ready to drink,” “on the go,” and other convenience factors, such as favorable packaging altogether served by beverages, further augments the demand for probiotic drinks, including kombucha. Consumers have started to prefer functional drinks over fruit juices and carbonated drinks.

With consumers now increasingly aware of the health implications associated with soft drinks categories, concerned drinkers are frequently shunning vilified categories, like carbonates and juices, in favor of ‘healthier choices, such as soymilk, probiotics, and other functional drinks. Consumer education has been the key factor behind the rising demand for healthy hydration drinks. The trend of healthy hydration owes its success to the growing awareness of fermented drinks with natural ingredients and the increasing acceptance of consuming probiotics.

Functional Beverage Market: Nootropics and Probiotics Sales Growth (in %), By Brand, Australia, 2021

Asia-Pacific is the Fastest Growing Region

The high incidence of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and arthritis, coupled with the growing demand for convenience beverages and the changing lifestyle among Asian consumers, is the primary driver for the growth of functional energy drinks, fortified/functional plant-based, and malt-based hot drink sales in the market. Furthermore, due to the high prevalence of diabetes in countries like India and China, consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of a healthy diet and active lifestyle, encouraging consumers to prefer natural sweeteners, such as stevia beverages. According to the International Diabetes Federation, In 2022, India is one of the 7 countries that make up the South East Asia region. In the South East Asia Region, 90 million people have diabetes; by 2045, this number will rise to 151.5 million. Thus, companies like PepsiCo Inc. and Coca-Cola are committed to removing artificial ingredients and reducing the sugar content in their products.

Additionally, Australia is one of the major markets for the functional beverage in the Asia-Pacific region. Health-conscious Australians are going out of their way to consume healthier food products, particularly products that have a functional benefit to their health. As a result, functional beverage products have seen tremendous growth in recent years. A few examples of trending functional beverages in the functional beverage sector of Australia include fermented drinks such as Kombucha and nootropic drinks. Consequently, the functional beverage industry in the country has undergone some changes over the last few years. Companies have adjusted their product innovation strategies to meet the changing demands of consumers. For instance, in April 2021, MOJO launched its new MOJO Kambucha Soda which supports a different aspect of gut health. The newly launched product is low in sugar and is stevia free with 2.5 grams of dietary fiber per serving. It is available in three distinct flavors: Tropical Twirl, Cola Kiss, and Berry Blitz.

Functional Beverages Market: Market Size (%), By Geography, Global, 2021