Malaysia Courier, Express, And Parcel (CEP) Market Share

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Malaysia Courier, Express, And Parcel (CEP) market share, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Malaysia Courier, Express, And Parcel (CEP) share report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry share analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Share of Malaysia Courier, Express, And Parcel (CEP) Industry

Malaysian Courier, Express, And Parcel (Cep) Market is fragmented in nature with a mix of global and local players, this makes the sector highly competitive. Some of the strong players of the country include Deutsche Post DHL, United Parcel Service Inc, City-Link Express, Pos Laju (Part of Pos Malaysia), GD Express Sdn Bhd. The surge in e-commerce sales has presented logistic companies with both opportunities and challenges in terms of speed, delivery, and other criteria. Global companies with a lot of money and assets have put a lot of money and assets into sophisticated storage and fulfilment centres, and they are reaping the rewards. Regional and local businesses, on the other hand, are developing better sector solutions to fulfil the demand. The major differentiating factors or services that differentiate Express vendors in this industry are the value-added services provided by service providers. In the competition between providers, price, reliability, delivery speed, and supply chain capacity are all variables. They're also striving to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage by adding value-added services to their product offering.

Courier Service in Malaysia Market Leaders

  1. Deutsche Post DHL

  2. United Parcel Service Inc.

  3. City-Link Express

  4. Pos Laju (Part of Pos Malaysia)

  5. GD Express Sdn Bhd

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

Malaysia Courier, Express, And Parcel (CEP) Market Concentration