Mexico Data Center Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Mexico Data Center market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Mexico Data Center trend report includes a market forecast to 202 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.


Market Trends of mexico data center Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the Mexico Data Center Market according to our research experts:

Tier 4 is the largest Tier Type

  • The tier 4 data center segment is expected to reach an IT load capacity of 204.30 MW in 2023. It is further projected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.53%, surpassing an IT load capacity of 352.76 MW by 2029.
  • While tier 1 and 2 facilities must be increasingly equipped to meet the growing demand for uninterrupted services from businesses, they are losing favor. Due to the increase of business continuity services available around the clock, tier 3 and 4 data centers have gained popularity. This is due to the increasing number of conglomerates. A tier 3 data center is equipped with several channels for electricity and cooling, as well as methods for updating and maintaining it without bringing it offline. It has an annual downtime of 1.6 hours and an expected uptime of 99.982%. Because of the significantly better redundancy protections provided, small and medium-sized businesses typically choose to employ at least a Tier III-rated system.
  • A tier 4 data center includes redundancy for every component and is fault-resistant. Clients should not face more than 26.3 minutes of downtime a year, according to a level 4 facility. Government organizations and major corporations with mission-critical servers and high customer or business demands typically use a tier 4 facility. The growth of data centers in Mexico with the best infrastructure certifications is facilitated by the entry of significant international corporations and an increase in the country's enterprises. Throughout the forecast period, the market is anticipated to demonstrate potential growth, which may lead to hyperscale colocation adoption by significant end users in the cloud and telecom industries. The popularity of computer solutions in Mexico is a key encouraging element for the development of tier 4 facilities.
Mexico Data Center Market: Mexico Data Center Market, CAGR, %, By Tier Type, 2023 - 2029