North America Feed Amino Acids Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 North America Feed Amino Acids market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. North America Feed Amino Acids trend report includes a market forecast to 202 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.


Market Trends of north america feed amino acids Industry

This section covers the major market trends shaping the North America Feed Amino Acids Market according to our research experts:

Lysine is the largest Sub Additive

  • The feed amino acids market in the region saw a substantial increase in 2019, with a growth rate of 15.4% compared to the prior year. This growth is attributed to the rise in feed production, specifically for ruminants, with every type of amino acid used in feed experiencing an increase in value.
  • In North America, lysine and methionine were the most commonly used feed amino acid sub-additives in 2022, owing to their essential role in animal gut health and digestion. Tryptophan and methionine are anticipated to exhibit the highest growth rates during the forecast period, with a projected CAGR of 6.3%. While tryptophan is costlier than other amino acids and therefore constitutes a smaller share of the market, it plays a crucial role in promoting growth and increasing feed intake during the pre-weaning stage of an animal's life cycle.
  • The United States is the largest country in the feed amino acids market, with lysine and methionine accounting for nearly 70% of the market in 2022. The country's growth rate in this market is the highest in North America, partly due to the affordability and moderate dosage rate of lysine.
  • Despite varying costs, all feed amino acid types are projected to grow at similar rates in the forecast period throughout the region, given their ability to provide various benefits for animals, including promoting gut health, muscle development, and egg formation. These benefits extend to a range of animal types and serve diverse purposes. The market is expected to grow due to these benefits, driving the demand for feed amino acids.
North America Feed Amino Acids Market: North America Feed Amino Acids Market, CAGR, %, By Sub Additive, 2023 - 2029

United States is the largest Country

  • In 2022, the North American feed amino acids market accounted for 21% of the total feed additives market, with a value of USD 1.8 billion. This is due to the increasing demand for meat and meat products, leading to the rise in the usage of amino acids in the animal feed industry. The market value increased by 15.4% in 2019 compared to 2018, driven by the increase in feed production in the region, particularly in the United States.
  • Poultry animals were the most significant users of feed amino acids in 2022, with a market value of USD 0.7 billion, representing 41.7% of theNorth American feed amino acid market. Ruminants followed with a market share of 35.1% in the same year. The consumption of poultry meat in households and the commercial food industry has increased the usage of amino acids, with broilers accounting for over 70% of the total feed amino acid usage in poultry animals.
  • Lysine and methionine were the most commonly used amino acids in 2022, accounting for 43.2% and 29.8% of the total amino acid market in the region, respectively. These amino acids are essential for animal growth and development since animal tissues cannot synthesize them or cannot make the adequate amount needed.
  • The United States is the largest feed amino acid market in North America, accounting for 70% of the total feed amino acid market in 2022. The country was also the fastest-growing in terms of the feed amino acids market, with a CAGR of 6.2% during the forecast period. The demand for meat and meat products, along with the increasing demand for feed that enhances growth, development, and resistance to diseases, is expected to drive the North American feed amino acids market at a CAGR of 5.6% during the forecast period.
North America Feed Amino Acids Market: North America Feed Amino Acids Market, CAGR, %, By Country, 2023 - 2029