Vodka Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Vodka market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Vodka trend report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of Vodka Industry

Rise in Popularity of Premium Vodka

  • Consumers worldwide have more discerning tastes now than they had five years ago. They constantly need to try out novel and premium alcoholic drinks, which often feature a mix of quality ingredients and personalized botanical infusions to produce a pleasing taste. Additionally, premium vodkas are subjected to multiple distilling stages to improve their functionality as well as overall appeal, which sets them apart from the conventional varieties.
  • Further, the rise in health consciousness is promoting the consumption of healthier alcoholic beverages characterized by the blend of natural ingredients, low-calories, and sugar-free formulations. Therefore, the premium vodka range has greater prospects, especially in the international market, owing to the growing consumer interest in a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.
  • Moreover, premium vodka brands are introducing new products in the ready-to-drink (RTD) beverage category as the segment is witnessing a significant surge in consumer demand across the global market. For instance, high-end vodka brands are introducing canned products focusing on spritz serves. For instance, in February of 2023, Absolut, the UK’s No.1 premium vodka, revealed its latest limited-edition bottle, encapsulating the brand’s ethos that incredible things can be achieved when people come together and mix beyond their differences.
  • Due to its recent success, other companies and even bars have started using the term for their wine, water, and alcohol pours. RTD vodka innovation is accelerating in developing countries as customers continue to call for flavorful, light drinks like hard seltzers, which is expected to drive growth in the vodka market during the forecast period.
Vodka Market: Sales Volume of Vodka, United States, 2019-2022

North America is the Largest Market

  • The increasing popularity of flavored vodkas such as Texas grapefruit, blood orange, Bartlett pear, and sun-ripened watermelon is driving sales in the United States. Additionally, the sector's expansion in Canada will be bolstered by the increasing demand for tart cherry and limeade vodka flavors, along with the addition of sweet citrus flavors. Alcoholic drinks, including Pyat Ozar, Svedka, and Hlibny Dar, are also expected to expand the market.
  • Additionally, the Canadian government's assistance in enhancing the premium white spirits' distribution system is anticipated to spur market expansion. Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, announced in 2019-2020 that Canada's vodka compositional standard was modified to encourage greater innovation, increase consumer choice, and promote trade in the nation's expanding spirits sector.
  • Moreover, the popularity of vodka is rising as a result of the rising demand for premium, original drinks with bold flavors. One of the most often consumed artisanal spirits in the area is vodka. Vodka demand in the region is anticipated to be driven by rising consumption.
  • According to the Distilled Spirits Council, United States, vodka sales volume amounted to about 76.9 million 9-liter cases in 2022. Potatoes and cereal grains are no longer the only agricultural products that Canadian distillers can utilize to make vodka. By using novel ingredients like honey, apples, or dairy in vodka manufacturing, Canada will be better able to compete internationally and provide customers with additional options.
Vodka Market: Market Size, By Region, Global, 2022